Recent content by Madness

  1. M

    Do you wash workout/gym clothes like any other piece of clothing?

    Shouldn't matter depends on color pretty much, i normaly wash mine after every work out or have back ups but if you want to do it weekly just wash them how you would wash cloths that are the same color and as for hanging or dryer the only thing that I don't do is throw my work out cloths in the...
  2. M

    Some t-mobile iphone 5 question?

    So if I were to buy 1 iphone 5 from Apple store or t-mobile store, the phone come with the sim. Do I have to call the t-mobile company to activate my number or something? And.. do I have to get a wireless 4G plan in order to use it? Can it connect to my home wireless router? I know it's stupid...
  3. M

    Do you think that by me being in the Army my long distance relationship will work

    out? So i have known this kid for about 5 years. and well i really like him! he is a junior in high school and i graduated a year early so i got to enlist in the army. i really don't want the fact that i am leaving to break the relationship up. because truthfully and honestly i am falling for him!
  4. M

    My friend, who is a vegetarian, wants to know if he can eat Taco Bell?

    Yes, your friend can eat there. Although they do serve beef, Taco Bell has vegetarian options available.
  5. M

    Why do Christians insult other religions, during their festivals?

    Why do Christians denigrate other religions, during their festivals Insulting Hindus Insulting Jews