Recent content by Lomax

  1. L

    Is "Game of Thrones" geeky?

    According to a lot of young persons these days, the mere act of reading a book is geeky.
  2. L

    What was up with that horrible LBW decision against Rogers?

    It was such a bizarre delivery that it caught everyone - batsman, bowler, umpire, TMS commentators - by surprise. With the benefit of replays, it was shown to be a bad decision, but that benefit is not available to the umpires. Terrible umpiring? No umpire is perfect, or ever will be. If an...
  3. L

    How cricket is 2nd most popular sport?

    Only second? Surely not...
  4. L

    Serena allowed to wear orange knickers. Roger not allowed to wear orange...

    Because - for reasons of tact, one presumes - the Wimbledon committee have decreed that "Underwear doesn't count" although everything else does.
  5. L

    When writing an essay, are you allowed to copy paragraphs from a book ?

    Properly referenced and attributed, yes. But don't overdo it. Select quotes which support your argument, not those which make your argument for you.
  6. L

    Bram Stokers book 'Dracula" is boring so how come it's been seen as a classic?

    Dairy events such as milking cows and cheese-making, you mean? Yes, well. Dracuola is a classic because it took the Vampire legend and turned it ionto the definitive version. Years since I read it, but I remember enjoying it.
  7. L

    Why can't people who write introductions for classics write them well?

    I presume that your complaint is that the introduction gives away an important plot point. I suppose that the first question we need to ask it "What is the purpose of an introduction?" I venture the opinion that it is - inter alia - to set the novel (and the author) in its historical and...
  8. L

    Can you answer this short quiz?

  9. L

    Can I please get your opinion on my college essay? Is it amazing? Is it genuine?...

    Obviously the definition of Essay has changed since I was a student.
  10. L

    Atheists, do you think Jesus Christ existed?

    Yes, I believe that Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth. And got nailed to a plank of wood. The idea that he was in any way divine - or even divinely inspired - is, of course, nonsense.
  11. L

    It is a 12 hour car ride to our vacation. Does anyone have any good romantic...

    I've always thought that audio books are a contradiction in terms. What's wrong with real ones?
  12. L

    Interesting history topics?

    There are a thousand topics to choose from. However, for best results, it has to be the one that most interests YOU. And only you can tell what that is.
  13. L

    How many have died in wars started over religion?

    More than you can count. As well as wars started by religion, you want to count wars justified by religion. As in - "We want to attack our neighbours and steal their land, but this is not a good thing to do. Except, of course, that they follow a different religion to us, so we can claim to be...