Recent content by LizM

  1. L

    trading players on fifa 13?

    have been conned out of a player on fifa 13 can i get it back
  2. L

    What is your favorite chinese food dish?

    beef and broccoli yummmmmmmmmmmmm:)
  3. L

    Can I buy a new phone outright and put it on my Rogers plan?

    So my contract with Rogers won't end for another 2 years. I want to get a Blackberry, and am planning to just pay for it outright. Can I put it on my cell phone plan and take my current phone off? Will I still be able to have the same plan? Thanks!
  4. L

    Old-fashioned diary.....?

    I want to write a diary like the people in the Dear Canada series - very sophisticated and description-like. But nothing ever happens here. Plus, I have problems staying with a diary. Please help - and no rude comment please!
  5. L

    reflux plus hernia symptoms everyday feel really depressed with it?

    why when im on medication do i still get reflux in mouth that tastes slimy and leaves a burning sensation i cant get rid of hope you can help liz m
  6. L

    Bad Car Accident Scenario?

    I am writing a story for my english class. I'm writing about my main character that gets invloved in a car crash. She was hit; it is not her fault. I want to make the accident's damage total for her car around $6,000 ... this is very important. SO ... can someone please tell me some repairs...
  7. L

    Getting rid of dog because of a dishrag?

    Your mom should be very careful. In some places she can be charged with animal neglect or abandonment for "dumping" a dog. If she spent more time trying to train him and less time b****ing about dishrags and driving around trying to dump him, maybe she could cure the problem. and I'm sure...
  8. L

    The sheriff didn't pick up the phone. Who Should We Call?

    we found a dead corpse of something across the street and the sheriff wouldn't pick up the phone. We need to know who we should call. but what if it turns out to not be a human but something like a deer? would we get into trouble b/c we're not about to go check it out ourselves.
  9. L

    ipod Accessories...................................?

    where can i find this thing you plug it in you ipod and plug the other side in another ipod to transfer music and stuff to your i pod from the other ipod.?
  10. L

    Celebrity Dress - NEED TO KNOW!! Please Help!!?

    Im looking for a dress that either Jennifer Lopez or Felicity Huffman wore... I cant remember who! It was light blue, with crystals around the bust and neck line. Very pretty dress. I need a picture to show to my friend who is getting married. Thanks
  11. L

    What's a quick, easy appetite suppressant in my kitchen?

    I'm not on a diet, I'm just poor and can't afford groceries. I work long hours and don't have the money to eat so what can I take before work to curb my appetite all day? Preferably something I can make myself, if I can't afford food I sure as hell can't afford pills and crap like that from the...
  12. L

    Ford GT in canberra/jerrabomberra?

    Are you looking for a XY,XW, XT, BA, BF or GF GT?
  13. L

    what should i change to be prettier? and do i look like any celebrities??

    im 17 and i want to improve my looks:hair/face/etc ive never worn makeup except like a u think i should wear it or do u think i look better without it? any other advice u can give me to look better?? and do i remind u of any celebrities these are pretty much the best pictures i...
  14. L

    Rate my Rap for 1-10?(Be Honest)?
