Recent content by livestium

  1. L

    I recently got an offer from QUEEN’S CRUISE, 101 Holloway, London, United...

    Its a con Jayesh, you are right to have doubts about it. The telephone number +44 070 is a redirected number and is often used by nigerian scammers.
  2. L

    How is gold any different than fiat currency? Gold is just a shiny rock that's...

    They are not the same. A FIAT currencies value is determined by government law and neither is Gold a "shiny rock", its a metal. Golds value is determined by the market.
  3. L

    Fast-Food restaurants in France are now selling only Halal food. Will the...

    The UK should never adopt a means to killing animals that is considered Halal, The UK has laws that prohibit killing animals without stunning them first so they don't suffer too much. Besides which in Islamic law if there is no alternative than eating non Halal food they can do so. Surah...
  4. L

    Buddhism - The notion of Budda-nature?

    Buddha nature is the essence of enlightenment, it doesn't matter whether one is a Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Jew. All can achieve what is termed the Buddha Nature. I'll try to simplify the idea, its a state of not being attached or clinging to anything in life. Of being aware of...
  5. L

    Buddhism - The notion of Budda-nature?

    Buddha nature is the essence of enlightenment, it doesn't matter whether one is a Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Jew. All can achieve what is termed the Buddha Nature. I'll try to simplify the idea, its a state of not being attached or clinging to anything in life. Of being aware of...
  6. L

    Buddhism - The notion of Budda-nature?

    Buddha nature is the essence of enlightenment, it doesn't matter whether one is a Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Jew. All can achieve what is termed the Buddha Nature. I'll try to simplify the idea, its a state of not being attached or clinging to anything in life. Of being aware of...
  7. L

    Religion question?(christian/catholics--atheists welcome)?

    Good for you, its good to doubt, for without doubt we cannot have understanding, without understanding there is no clarity. whats confession for? I don't know.
  8. L

    Religions that believe in reincarnation?

    Gnosticism a branch of christianity, possibly judaism I'm not totaly certain on that religion, maybe someone else can clarify it.
  9. L

    The Perfect religion. need help? what is it?

    try non duality its not a religion just an understanding of where we fit in, a philosophy. and its a good place to start in finding the truth