Recent content by litro2000

  1. L

    Toilet Problem

  2. L

    What do you like?

    forced memes
  3. L

    pics of mah lunch *pics*

    Enjoy getting banned for racism, that's exactly the word I said to get banned.
  4. L

    If You Had To Erase One Year of Your Life From Your Memory...

    I'd erase the year I started so I never started to post on this site.
  5. L

    Anyone have a cool job where they only work like 2 days a week?

    :ugh: The private stores around me don't close till 12am. Not too mention good ol' Boston Pizza and 2am last call.
  6. L

    ID to buy teaspoons?

    I tell you what was silly aswell- when I worked in the factory shop we had age restrictions on christmas crackers (cause of the snap) and my friend couldn't sell a 'colour in your own cracker kit' to these kids, they had to go and fetch their mum to buy them lol. I mean I know its for safety...
  7. L

    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please*

    Boobies, Bras & Bedtime Poll *Girls Only Please* i hate wearing bras to sleep... i hate wearing bras in general but i kinda have to :( lol
  8. L

    This is the name of my BIOS (Phoenix - Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility)?

    I had restart my pc moments ago and press <Del> to enter my bios then i went to the (boot sequence) to set the booting, <1st boot Cd-Rom/ 2nd boot HDD> but at the bottom of the page where it says (press F10 to Save) i did that but when i pressed F10 it want work, it's like if the key do not...
  9. L

    System and startup partitioning?

    For now the OS is on the 120GB hard drive with everything els, later, i will switch the drives around, 20GB hard drive the (Master) and the 120GB (Slave) So if i go ahead and swich the 120GB hard drive (with the OS on it) over to the (Slave drive), will that mean that the OS will stop working...
  10. L

    the question on the HDD?

    I had connacted the 20GB drive and went to the BIOS and went into the (Standard CMOS Features) i had selected the <Primary Slave> and click ENTER, a message popup saying <Hard Drive Dectacted> so that tells me that as i connacted the hard drive to the (middle) connactor on the IDE ribbon cable...
  11. L

    i have here a (Phoenix-AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility)?

    (Phoenix-AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility) (Standard CMOS Features) When installing a old hard drive and setting the jummpers to Master, then when i go to the BIOS and locate (Standard CMOS Features) it shows < IDE Primary Master> <IDE Primary Slave> What do i do next, do i select...
  12. L

    I have use all of my software on a 120-GB external hard driver.?

    On my 120-GB IDE Hard drive i have my Windows XP HomeEdition OS, Printer, device drivers, and my Opera browser if i create a 9-GB partition for the OS and windows updates, do i just have that one partition for the OS and install the Printer, Browser and the drivers on the hard drive, so i have...
  13. L

    let me get this stright?

    I read one of my answers saying. <You partition a drive so that you have a safety net, Op 's one and data on the other. if you loose the op you don't loose data> So let me get this right 2-GB partition for windows OS and the rest of the drive for the data. right
  14. L

    who out their had every did this?

    I know that their are many people out their had reformated a hard drive expecally pc repair guys. How do you reformat your hard drive and what is the steps that you takes steps do you take, so any one that is a wize on repairing pc and hard did lots of refomating on hard drives what do you do...