Recent content by LeftyTiger

  1. L

    What did you guys do during the downtime?

    Read a few bios about Clutch.
  2. L

    Just in from Utah!

    I'd have to agree with you on that one. They're pretty savy in business.
  3. L

    Woman of the year 2006

    have a little thing for her/him did you ...
  4. L

    Why are you on TSR (now)?

    I'm procrastinating, I do not want to go and sterlise the baby bath and put stuff away.
  5. L

    MAP is awesome

    I'm gonna have to think about that one. slipthejab and all are great. But they're others who make this site not so great. And what i'm mean is the amount respect for each other. Whoever needs clarification of what respect means ummmmm... Ask someone else and not me, so I won't have to...
  6. L

    Rational Fear?!?!?!

    Putting the rent money down for one spin on the roulette wheel... irrational fear while that little white marble is bouncing around; telling your wife you lost the rent money, rational fear.
  7. L

    Gatorade Question

  8. L

    so my roommate....

    just came home really really drunk from a day party and has passed out cold. hes not waking up so me and my other roommates are going to mess with him, what should we do? write on him with a sharpie, zip-tie him to something? any ideas?
  9. L

    Abortion is Wrong

    You can create NDE's in some people by putting them in those g-force machines they have in the airforce for training pilots and spinning them until they pass out. NDE's are not good evidence for any sort of god.
  10. L

    Many Injured in Explosions at Boston Marathon

    Well to Muslims that can often be a pretty big tie can't it? One reason Muslim's from non-muslim countries can convince themslves to plant bombs is because they feel more kinship with muslim's they've never met 3000 miles away than they do for a non-muslim they see every day that live next door.
  11. L

    Home made Cookies *pics*

    Why not make "special" cookies?
  12. L

    how tall are you? famous people too ! :dodgy: i hate you

    Well since everyone else is, 6'7", 185lb benching 310lb.
  13. L

    my college sucks catch-22 asshole

    What school?
  14. L

    Earthquake UK

    Richter scale even...
  15. L

    Feelin down

    Good luck kidda