Recent content by laughter_every_day

  1. L

    Why did someone pull up behind my car and take a picture of my plates and house?

    I know the motives for every action of every person in the world, but it is secret.
  2. L

    Can Lexus Financing Impound my car for getting a DUI?

    read your financing contract. I have never seen such a clause in a contract, but I suppose that if it is leased it is possible. More likely they want to talk about something else, like not approving your credit application.
  3. L

    sydney policeman owned a RM 100rm suzuki as a boy dealt drugs to buy mark quirk

    if that was meant to be a random selection of words, well done.
  4. L

    The Parking Bureau taking pictures of car?

    no law prohibits a parking official or any other person from taking pictures of cars that are out on the street.
  5. L

    UK - When you drive your Volkswagen and eat your Heinz beans do you think?

    Find someone who is not schizophrenic to help translate your question.
  6. L

    If you park your car somewhere, can you legally sue someone if they take...

    Lawsuits are designed to recover damages from wrongdoing. You described no wrongdoing and no damages.
  7. L

    Can my employer legally discuss the number of days I have missed work with one of

    There are some folks that have a duty of confidentiality. Lawyers, doctors, accountants, priests, therapists, etc. There is no such duty on all who are employers.
  8. L

    Can my HOA do this? Or is this some sort of joke?

    I cannot tell you what authority you have given the HOA. I know that what you describe is very common, but it is usually only two days. You may not be aware that paving first involves tearing up old macadam and then re-paving and then it is not ready for driving immediately.
  9. L

    kid maybe between 17 21 came by my house and snapped a picture from car

    What should i do is not a very meaningful question. I would recommend fixing some dinner.
  10. L

    Why does usa complain about the economy, but preserve the right of an employer to...

    You must be thinking that there is a specific statute that enables employers to fire people at will. No statute is needed. It is a basic principle of contract law that if parties enter into a contract and it is not for a specific time, then BOTH retain the right to cancel at any time. In...
  11. L

    can i take my kids on vacation to fla for a month or so without fathers permission?

    Unless there is some court order that prohibits it, you can do as you wish.
  12. L

    Can an employer pay one full time employee for vacation but not pay the other full

    First answer is totally wrong. If you have a union contract, and everyone is subject to it, then it would be a breach to treat some differently. In the absence of a union, then everyone is free to negotiate their own terms. As an employer, if the only way for me to hire a valued person is to...
  13. L

    Can We get a Snow Day if we are on vacation and office is closed?

    There is no universal law on the subject. It is a matter of policy of the employer. Ask the employer.
  14. L

    What is the difference between non-consensual sex, and rape?

    You probably want to know what difference was meant by the person running that site. The definitions of crimes varies widely by state and country. There are some countries where the crime of "rape" requires some element of violence while non-consensual sex could apply to unconscious people. I...