Recent content by KeyboardWarrior

  1. K

    I recently had a premonition about the rousey tate fight NOT ending in the first?

    Rousey is and will always be leagues above Meisha Tate. Rousey is going to tear her arm off like last time.
  2. K

    Which types of martial arts compete?

    MMA, TKD, Judo, Boxing, Karate, Sambo, BJJ, Wrestling, Muay Thai. Just to name a few. Many martial arts compete, but not all of them, unlike what the last poster claims.
  3. K

    What would happen if UFC started putting guys against women?

    No one would compete, and if they did, there would likely be public outrage. I'm sure many women competitors would like to see this happen, but no man would do it. Even if he was ok with hitting a woman, he would know that he stands to gain nothing from fighting a woman. If he wins, people will...
  4. K

    What is this supposed to be in martial arts?

    What the f*ck is this? It looks like that heavily mustached man is statutory raping that poor boy...
  5. K

    Would it be smart to fight a black belt in taekwondo and a mma fighter who...

    A black belt in TKD means absolutely nothing. Every parent I know enrolls their kids in TKD and they all have black belts. I saw an eight year old with a black belt yesterday. It means nothing. In all honesty it sounds like your training is absolute sh*t. I'm not trying to be a dick, but it...
  6. K

    I want learn kungfu but I am in Indian and I do not know about real kungfu

    Kung Fu is a fraudulent art. Don't bother learning it. Go learn MMA instead.
  7. K

    Who is the hispanic female security girl that stands next to the fighters in

    She is pretty cute. I was wondering that too when I saw her at the last fight. She's someone that works for the State Athletic Commission.
  8. K

    How to win against a black belt karate bully?

    It's Wednesday....
  9. K

    Question about joining an MMA gym in the summer?

    The coaches and trainers there aren't your mom. They won't call you to ask you why you aren't showing up to practice. The only time they'll do that is if you make a commitment to train for a competition and they're expecting you. You get out of it what you put in. If you want to make it a hobby...
  10. K

    Talent and genetics in competitive martial arts?

    Genes help. Hard work helps alot more.
  11. K

    Is this a deadly mixture of martial arts?

    Here we go with the d34dly again. Stop being focused on being d34dly and start focused on being a good, well rounded fighter. Capoeira isn't deadly, its glorified dancing. It will get you KILLED in a street fight. Whats the point of learning Muay Thai and Boxing? They're both stand up arts, and...
  12. K

    Is a DCM a Martial Artist or form of Martial Arts?

    Never heard of it. It's most likely some hybrid fad that has no validity what so ever.
  13. K

    Cain vs jon jones ufc champs?

    Cain wins. While Jones retains his reach domination over Cain, he's also dealing with a high caliber wrestler who's heavier than guys he's use to fighting. I think its closer than people give Jones credit for, but I still think Cain takes the win.
  14. K

    Could I get paid if I am a junior instructor at my karate dojo?

    No. I've never heard of any junior instructors being paid. Every gym/dojo is different, but you usually teach because you care about the art, and you care about advancing in your school. Asking to get paid will probably hurt your relationship with your instructor.
  15. K

    People who do karate or martial arts, what was one of the reasons you chose to do it?

    I started when I was 6 because I was bullied. It kinda worked but it didn't give me the confidence. Then I joined MMA and it gave me confidence and it taught me how to fight better.