Recent content by Keena

  1. K

    Do envious folks gossip?

    Both. Almost everyone gossips at one point or another, some don't even notice their doing it. A combination of envious and being bored would probably bring out the biggest talker. It also depends on what one is gossiping about, and it can be good and bad. Although we often hear people talk bad...
  2. K

    lol do you think... ?

    nah man i got ma bitches under control yo
  3. K

    What would happen if I were to smoke my boyfriend's sperm?

    no boyfriend i dumped the motherfucker 2 months ago
  4. K

    Why do I LOSE INTEREST in guys after i have SEX with them?

    i don't know why, but usually after i have sex with someone i lose interest in them and i just feel like i don't want to see them as much any more or really think about them. This is even if it was the best sex ever i still feel the same way afterward. I don't want to feel this way, i can't help...
  5. K

    Can Moonlight Affect Our Health?

    Hi can you help me out here because I' trying to do a research for our science project. So my question is this. Is it bad if you will be directed to moonlight while you are asleep? That's It. Thanks.