Recent content by KaseyD

  1. K

    Boyfriend doesn't like PDA??? PLEASE HELP?

    Some people just don't like PDA, I hate having attention on me, Im not an attention seeker myself.....holding hands I can do, so idk why he wouldn't even hold your hand, but if you are going to be at your friends you don't have to make it super awk, If he is with his boys then just let him be...
  2. K

    Son screams when he poops?

    I remember my daughter, who is now 2 1/2 had a hard time pooping and it wasn't ever hard and she wasn't constipated either. We never quite figured out what the problem was, but we didn't discover that she was severly allergic to dairy and soy until she was eight months old. We did have her on...
  3. K

    I need the Majestic Angel fish wiki HELP!!:D?

    I need help,im doing a project on this fish and i cant find its wiki,can someone help me,like a link to its adaptations and stuff and i need by tonight :] -thanks
  4. K

    What to do about a blister burn?

    DO NOT POP it if you can help it, the skin covering the blister acts as a barrier and prevents infection while the skin under is healing. If it does pop clean it with warm water put some bacitracin on it and keep it covered. Signs of infection are redness, swelling, increasing pain, oozing or...