Recent content by Joyful

  1. J

    Against Animal Cruelty

    that is pretty sick, i would definitely be in favour of harsher punishments for people abusing animals. I do also see BoxBabaX's point about the larger scale problems but this is something we can do something about right now, whereas i don't think we can solve the problems of Africa, the middle...
  2. J

    its my fault?

    Just watch the video get posted on break...
  3. J

    The Confession Thread

    I only have 2 hours of classes as opposed to 7 BAM!
  4. J

    most fucked up thing you have ever done

    for 30 bucks, i pretended to like a girl, til we made out. then i took the 30 that i won, and ignored her. im such a bamf.
  5. J

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    I haven't seen a single posting that says that the Palestinian's are blameless. I've seen lots of postings talking about evil Hamas and the poor Israelis who have no choice in what they do. The only bad guys in this scenario are US who have come down very unfairly on one side because it suits...
  6. J

    Emergency Aid to Earthquake/Tsunami Victims

    I just went straight though Unicef.
  7. J

    how was it for you

    School; After a complete flunk of my A-levels, I hung around trying to pick up a forestry qualification. The irritating thing is that I was just starting to get a life when I left. When the constant exhortations to get a job got to me, I had to quit the forestry course and take a job as a...
  8. J

    How can I eat healthy??

    You really shouldn't loose more than 2 or 3 lbs a week at most. I can almost guarantee that you lost a lot of muscle and water weight
  9. J

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    I think this article has a few interesting points to make regarding this debate. Mitch
  10. J

    Do you know any good Chinese restaurants in Toronto?

    I moved to Toronto recently and I am a big Chinese food afficionado - is here anyone from Toronto who can recommend some restaurant to me? Thanks!
  11. J

    No internet

    So, my own internet arrived, and from the looks of it, I installed it correctly. So with a bit of luck i can keep logs up to date now, participate in discussions, and help others with the little knowledge i have. Hope you didn't miss the newbie kickboxer too much Henk
  12. J

    baww thread v.3

    although I liked the first thread, that was just like a once in a life time thing for ST to come together like that.
  13. J

    what color

    Well.... you are a guy. And like the rest of us guys are only aware of a few colours, so there aren't a whole lot of choices. White or Black Or if you are feeling in slightly in touch with your feminine side, you also get Off white, and Grey. But thats about it Best bet is to find a...
  14. J

    Hated high school

    I'm just glad a graduated from that hellhole.