Recent content by JomyeLmDaisy

  1. J

    how do i share a file on AIM?

    If you bought a song. You cant share it. You can't do anything unless you download it.
  2. J

    how do i share a file on AIM?

    If you bought a song. You cant share it. You can't do anything unless you download it.
  3. J

    Do you think being gay and lesbian are sins?

    Because God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
  4. J

    Can I mix small Shrimps to Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta)?

    I just bought it today and I wonder if I can mix them together. Also, what kind of plant should I put in my little container? Thank you.
  5. J

    I want to buy a new "Gaming PC".?

    I need some advice, because I play FPS a lot and I get lag most of the time. I want a new Brand New PC and I dont know what and where to get them. No more than $700