Recent content by joawefgi

  1. J

    Give blood then take exam?

    And you know what? That's just the beginning. Better itemized shields that provide better WOW Gold DPS are great, but what's really great is what it all represents. These new shields point to a new fundamental truth about WOW Aion Gold Catacylsm: Blizzard gets what elemental shaman are all about...
  2. J

    Should I switch from T-Mobile to Sprint?

    You can already see the kind of stat WOW Gold inflation we're in for -- that quest green is nearly as good as the Cataclysm version of the Bulwark of Smouldering Steel Buy WOW Gold. Remember, in Cataclysm, each point of intellect translates to a point of spellpower.It only gets better from...
  3. J

    what interesting topic about germany could i discuss for my class presentation?

    Into Cataclysm and Beyond for WOW Gold.While it's great that Blizzard got Icecrown Citadel right (at least the 25-man version), what's really important is that we keep this momentum going forward Buy WOW Gold. And great news: There are some phenomenal options for elemental shaman already in the...