Recent content by JessP

  1. J

    Why is it so impossible for me to make friends?

    I was excited about leaving high school and going to TAFE. But once I got there, nobody is interested in being my friend. I'm waaay too shy and socially awkward. When I say things, they come out wrong and people give me weird looks. There are girls in my class who have others approach them and...
  2. J

    Will a school laptop be able to get the internet at home?

    We're getting laptops this year, but the thing is, at school most every website is blocked. At home we have wireless internet and a router which connects my sister's laptop to the internet, but hers is not a school one. So will I be able to connect mine through that or will all the sites still...
  3. J

    Lump of skin outside my vagina?

    It appeared during my period, but got worse after it ended. It was a normal colour before, but now it's reddish. It's just hanging there like a ball of skin. Before that my period hadn't come in 2 months. It really hurts every time I wipe after peeing. Before it appeared I had a shower and came...
  4. J

    downloads help any torrent sites safe?

    where can download spirits of the glen journey by the royal scots dragoon guards i promised my mum i wpould get it and ive been told to use torrent sites but i dont knwo how to use them and i dont know what is safe! thanks x
  5. J

    What is needed to acess internet on a LAPTOP? ?

    a router is all you neeeed. you can have wireless internet or a wire from the router to thhe laptop.x
  6. J

    Do you find this insulting?

    I'm 17, my mother got me some pants and they are size 10 (size 6 in America), she's been trying to figure out why they are too big for me. She finally came to the conclusion that I "must have wide shoulders, no bum like my dad and slim everywhere else like my auntie, except my legs are a bit...
  7. J

    Can dogs die of loneliness?

    I have two dogs and they're best friends. The oldest is a 7 year old male, and youngest a 4 year old female. I have heard peope say when one dog dies, the other can as well, because they miss them so much. It happened to my aunty (one died a week after the other, they just found her on the...
  8. J

    I Want To Be Anorexic ?

    how can you let yourself go through that really why cant you lose wait but not be annorexic ? thats the issue i have
  9. J

    Help !! endless pains?

    o.k so for the past 4 months ive been Painfull if its not a huge headaches for weeks is a sharp pain in chest if not its mucscle pain or my leg... whats wroung with me am i ever gonna be O.K i talk to my mom about it but she says ima be O.K but im tired of taking tylenol every day or pain...
  10. J

    im traveling 2marow?

    any advice on how to keep my self calmer im neverseee
  11. J

    What is good costume for a hollywood party?

    I need a costume idea for my friends hollywood party. I'm a thirteen year old girl, so plzz not to slutty!