Recent content by JasonV

  1. J

    Is it crazy to make yourself laugh out loud?

    When I am by myself I sometimes think something funny and I end up in fits of giggling and just laughing at the thought, and I also think I'm pretty hilarious But is that weird to be like that or is it good thing?
  2. J

    Do you think humor is dead among conservatives?

    watch red eye on fox news at 3am.
  3. J

    I keep feeling this vibrating in my leg where phone is; it is almost constant when...

    ...I am aware of it.? I know what phantom vibrating is a real thing, Ive felt it, but this is weird because I know my phone is not there, nor am I am ever wearing something to hold my phone (I felt it after I got out of the shower). Is it still possible that it is just phantom vibrating, or is...
  4. J

    English Majors, do you think Graphic Novels are literature?

    I read the Watchmen after I saw the first trailer of the movie when it was debuted, and I really was eager to read it... I am thinking about reading V for Vendettas inspiration just cause I really liked that movie... my question to you English Majors, do you think the graphic novel is on the...
  5. J

    How metrosexual am I?

    wow more metro than me LOL. I only do the hair and clothes fashion part shower once a day and am trying to get my nails looking better. I shop anywhere that has good clothes. doesn't have to be high end name brand hell I'll shop at walmart if they have something I like. but I love the places u...
  6. J

    How metrosexual am I?

    wow more metro than me LOL. I only do the hair and clothes fashion part shower once a day and am trying to get my nails looking better. I shop anywhere that has good clothes. doesn't have to be high end name brand hell I'll shop at walmart if they have something I like. but I love the places u...
  7. J

    How metrosexual am I?

    wow more metro than me LOL. I only do the hair and clothes fashion part shower once a day and am trying to get my nails looking better. I shop anywhere that has good clothes. doesn't have to be high end name brand hell I'll shop at walmart if they have something I like. but I love the places u...
  8. J

    How metrosexual am I?

    wow more metro than me LOL. I only do the hair and clothes fashion part shower once a day and am trying to get my nails looking better. I shop anywhere that has good clothes. doesn't have to be high end name brand hell I'll shop at walmart if they have something I like. but I love the places u...
  9. J

    Speedo Style Swimwear. When will it be acceptable?

    Why is it only acceptable to wear speedo style swimwear at a swim meet but not in public in America? If u do it a swim meet ur not stereotyped as gay, but as soon as u wear them at a beach or public pool its OMG hes gay. I would love to wear the short European brief style swimwear,or the 60s...
  10. J

    st. ives Blemish-Fighting Apricot Cleanser good for acne?

    is the st.ives apricot cleanser good for acne?....did it work for any of you?
  11. J

    Skin turns yellowish/and slightly blue just certain spots and only on thighs?...

    ...what can this be? I notice at night time my thighs get really itchy, and i always scratch them, but last month or 2 I notice my thighs on certain spots get yellowish like after gettin a bruise with a lil bit of blue in it
  12. J

    toshiba satellite a350 series?

    is the toshiba satellite a350 series good? does it have bluetooth? it a good laptop for school work, office work, internet, etc.? will it last me at least 6 or more years if i take care of it properly?
  13. J

    toshiba satellite a350 or a305?

    what is the difference between the toshiba satellite a350 and the a305? do both have bluetooth (or able to add bluetooth?)?......which do you prefer?
  14. J

    Physics satellite question?

    If... E(total) = -GMm/2R Change in E = GMm/2 x (1/Ri - 1/Rf) Can anyone explain why its 1/Ri - 1/Rf?