Recent content by jake_n_toby

  1. J

    What Are Small Talks Addictions?

    pot, cigarettes, partying, girls, chronic masterbating
  2. J

    your favorite word v3

    dude, thats mine too. all because in kindergarden i could never pronounce it and the teacher would get mad at me. i then could pronounce it and when we had to read stuff out loud, i would read the word "the" really slow, just to piss her off. not even joking
  3. J

    end of skool year shenanigans

    Yea some kids at my school dumped a bunch of crickets on the floors.. I didnt consider it a prank at first but about 20 of us met up at one kids house with our 4wheelers and rode them to school during 1st period. most of us took the cores out of our mufflers to it was super loud. took 3 laps...
  4. J

    HALP! Stuck on level 3....

    shit you caught me im trying to spread the worlds biggest/worst virus yet! FUCK you blew my cover!
  5. J

    Found a hidden ghost town *pics*

    are you gonna go takes some pic of the place again anytime soon
  6. J

    Why does she do this to my brother?

    Scott - so uncalled for. What a jerk! The only thing you can do is ask your Mom. She may not realize that she is "playing favourites' What about asking your Dad? Seems unfair, but I think some parents play favourites without even knowingit. She may not realize it, but if she doesn't soon...
  7. J

    Why does she do this to my brother?

    Scott - so uncalled for. What a jerk! The only thing you can do is ask your Mom. She may not realize that she is "playing favourites' What about asking your Dad? Seems unfair, but I think some parents play favourites without even knowingit. She may not realize it, but if she doesn't soon...
  8. J

    ok i have had my hamsters for 6 months and they are different sex and i

    Why would you want a bunch of ugly little baby hamsters? They're not worth anything and you'll regret it. Maybe they don't like each other? Maybe one is sterile, or gay? I'm sure there's such a thing as gay masters. Or maybe they're related... You could probably help by lighting few...