Recent content by jackfooo

  1. J

    Pissed off rabid Raccoon *pics

    he did, he called apon his fellow STers. i say put it in a paper bag and lite it on fire on your neighbors doorstep.
  2. J


    dont worry about the party i guess. i would say you're just jelouse that there is a party and you're not invited.
  3. J

    Man Federation! yes, i know this has been posted but its so fuckin hilarious.
  4. J

    "The Game" wjat is it

    "The Game" wjat is it Fucking asshole.
  5. J

    How Many Broken Bones?

    I broke my ankle in seven places, straight across the ankle so my foot literally wasn't attached to my leg bones any more. I have no idea how many bones I broke. My brilliant best friend at the time decided he should take camera phone pics before going to get help.
  6. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I really do love you. Flicking through this book they sent me that looks like the same account they said they'd charge me for including a price hike in a couple months. I'll apply and give it a shot though me thinks. I've been int here a few times last couple weeks and the only thing I could...
  7. J

    *Do You Believe In Ghosts*

    I asked first
  8. J

    Paris Hilton for President! Woot woot!

    You did see her video didn't you? I've seen more action in a retirement home!
  9. J


    I got ten kali/ eskrima/ arnis sticks off eBay for what two sticks would cost me locally. I was pretty happy about it.
  10. J

    Energy Drinks?

    ;42439578']Yeah, the green Full Throttle, all Steven Seagals, and the red 180s all have Acai or Goji berries and they're absolutely horrible tasting. Tab tastes like cucumbers...which is a no go. The Pomegranite Rockstars are pretty repulsive too.
  11. J

    How many carbonated beverages?

    1-2 Jones sodas a day 1 liter of gamefuel 1 liter of water
  12. J

    THE ST yearbook

    no arms duck... I would have expected margin fuck from the others, but not from you. :(
  13. J

    Fatty gets kicked off Airplane.

    sounds to me like she deserved it. edit: the grandmother looks like a dude
  14. J

    Change the song name

    oh very young - Cat Stevens
  15. J

    So i got fired.

    K. He's so cool :dodgy: