Recent content by iluvchrisbrown61595

  1. I

    Men VS Women

    Considering how many men us women are outweighed by on here I don't think it will work so well
  2. I

    Imaginary friend for sale!

    I just uped the bid by $30
  3. I

    How impatient or patient are you?

    if yellow was left, where would right be red?
  4. I

    Freestyle Rap Competition

    I got a cheeto in my pocket go'head'n cock it
  5. I

    pop vs soda

    pop I'm from the midwest and fuck you guys
  6. I

    2012 Olympics - hypothetical question

    Sorry I just misunderstood you It was actually very bad last year except from the Korean guy. IMO most people at my club could have shown them how to shoot properly.
  7. I

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    seems like war is imment.
  8. I

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    It is a possibility that Martin struck first out of fear but the problem is he didn’t stop. I have done this with different weapons it is part of the training I teach while rolling (and we include striking). If you want some fun do it with shock knifes.
  9. I

    Sci Fi that taught you values.

    I wouldn't say this shaped my world view. But I use this quote as as a way to deal with fear. Sort of a mantra, meditative tool. It is from "Dune" by Frank Herbert.
  10. I

    Blow your own horn.

    You're that guy who sounds like David Jason who lives in a teleporting castle aren't you?
  11. I

    Do you like clowns?

    I hate clowns and I hate people who say they are scared of clowns (most of the time because they have seen (or even just heard of) It*). They try too hard and aren't funny. Mrs. Owt is an exception. I don't hate her because she extends her fear to all people who hide their identities behind...
  12. I

    Bruce Willis Suing Apple

    That's lame Mikey. Really. It's a discussion forum. If you don't care that much then don't post. If you do post people are free to respond as they see fit (within TOS). Going onto a forum about something you find interesting IS a hobby. I get annoyed by this because people illegally downloading...
  13. I

    42 days to detain terrorists

    The good ol' USA funded the Afghan mujahideen(now Taliban) to the tune of at least 63million dollars and provided weapons and training at the time of the soviet invasion when the mujahideen were the 'good guys'. The USA were blissfully ambivelent to the religious aspect that united the 'freedom...
  14. I

    Japan quake

    The story barely registers in the news these days. I had to hunt stuff down on chinese news sites which said Japan suffered another big quake near Honshu island (measured 6.x on the scale - I can't remember what the 'x' is, I'm going off the top of my head). Apparently it was Japan's 75th...
  15. I

    Idiot decapitated by Batman: The Ride @ Six Flags

    this roller coaster is beheading criminals its now the Punisher roller coaster