Recent content by Iffy

  1. I

    What kind of gadget should I get to monitor my indoor air to be sure it...

    7 first alert at WalMart, hardware stores and so on
  2. I

    Obama told us that the health care mandate is not a tax. Why are they arguing in...

    Obama told us a lot of things that were not true
  3. I

    what are the rammifications of allowing my "points" timeshare through

    Your credit is destroyed, you will be sued You signed a legal contract and lender is entitled to repayment
  4. I

    How old do you have to be to work at... Pinkberry, Taco Bell, Bed Bath &

    16 since Federal labor laws sets that age for working with machinery and include a cash register as such
  5. I

    I have been arguing with credit collection agency about medical service I had

    What are you arguing about. You admit you owe them money. Your credit is destroyed. No it does NOT disappear
  6. I

    How can I tell Company A I'm no longer interested at this time, but keep...

    There is no way you Can Make company B wait for Company A to make a decision. Just Thank company A for considering you but their delay in making a decision has pushed you toward accepting another offer. Take the job with B and don't look back. What IFs can drive you crazy
  7. I

    Is the presence of cigarette butts in the apartment enough evidence to...

    Cigarette butts are NOT a sign of smoking in the unit. Many smokers pick up their butts, put them in a pocket and dump in trash at home. If he is smoking in the unit you can smell it, see nicotine buildup on the walls and ceiling.
  8. I

    Which major is harder... nursing or nutrition?

    Nursing is harder
  9. I

    How do I discuss budgeting with a spouse who has different views on money?

    You both see a professional Finance Counselor. You do not have the backbone to cure him of his spending habits. Your husband has no pride. He is living with his in laws, borrowing money to pay bills but has no qualms about buying a DVD player.
  10. I

    Can you suggest careers based on my interests?

    Forest Ranger if you can live on 16k a year
  11. I

    Why are mental and physical fitness required in the public service?

    To be cost effective. No sense hiring someone who will be out sick more often then showing up for work
  12. I

    Any opticians out there? I want to do optometry in the future but what grades do i

    need? Hi Im in year 10 and i am looking at optomery for a future. I am really passionate about doing optometry. I have even got my work experience in May in an opticiancs Anyway i just wanted to know what grades i need and in what subjects i need them grades i know that i will need to study...
  13. I

    chocolate frosting???

    MMMM... Try this.. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1/4 cup butter 1/2 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar PREPARATION: Melt chocolate with butter in top of double boiler over hot water. Remove from hot water; stir...