Recent content by IEATJOO

  1. I

    T-mobile texting from USA to Canada with unlimited texting.?

    If i were to text from the USA to canada with unlimited texting would it charge money? I spent 4 hours trying to find out but some people say it doesn't as long as i have the plan but I heard that it counts as international and charges. So which one is it?
  2. I

    ATI Radeon HD4850 slow?

    A few months ago I bought a Saphire Ati Radeon HD4850 (512mb). Recently my friend told me i should be getting 60fps maxed out everything in most games (without AA) at 1024x768 resolution (i have a small monitor). I checked benchmarks websites to see how much fps some other people get in the...
  3. I

    i need help with my drivers?

    I downloaded the Audio and Lan drivers for M2R32-MVP Motherboard, and i tried to install all of them into my windows xp 64 bit but none of them work...I have no sound nor does my internet work. Can anyone link me a site with the driver downloads individually or upload them on a file host or...
  4. I

    help? my friends stole my phone and called 911.?

    what will happen? will they track everything i do? or go to my house?? I don't want to get in trouble cuz my parents would be really mad if they found out. they just called to ask if everything is alright a few seconds ago, but i paniced and said my friends got my phone and called and i...