Recent content by HeyArnoldt

  1. H

    Do you think the song Carol of the Bells is a little creepy?

    I do. I think it's because of Home Alone when they had that song in the movie at kind of a creepy part as Kevin left the church after talking with that creepy neighbor.
  2. H

    Do you have a sense of humor?

    Yes, I think I do. I know how to laugh and I let people laugh at me!
  3. H

    How depressed were you today when you realized you forgot to get your free

    Doritos Locos Taco at Taco Bell? I'm kicking myself! Steal a base, steal a taco...unless you have a bad memory!!!
  4. H

    where can I get a chill pill lol?

    The brand name is Xanax.
  5. H

    Survey: Do you remember when you were a rookie on Y!A?

    My first account on Y!A was in 2006. That was way too long for me to remember lol
  6. H

    What kind of "When I was your age" stories will you be telling your future

    When I was your age, I was abducted by aliens and had to find my way back to earth all by myself. Uphill both ways. I'm a storyteller, just like my grandpa.
  7. H

    Would you rather bake or cook...?

    I'd rather cook.
  8. H

    do you hate hearing people complain about their job?

    No because I do complain about mine. I'm thankful to have a job at all, but I hate it. And I can't find another one, hard as I may try. It's very discouraging.
  9. H

    What are your views on using the word "Gay"?

    I think both are inappropriate uses of those words.
  10. H

    Why do people keep saying "If a guy is serious about a relationship, he...

    ...will love her more than she loves him"? I've heard this saying 3 times recently; and as a guy, I want to be loved too! The same amount. It's making girls sound heartless. @MarcThyme: on the contrary, I don't believe that love can be quantified...and this "if a guy is serious about a...
  11. H

    How would you react if your grandma emailed you a link to "2 Girls, 1 Cup" and...

    How would you react if your grandma emailed you a link to "2 Girls, 1 Cup" and... ...wrote LOL in the message? I face palmed, shook my head, and said "grandma..."
  12. H

    Poll: Can you tell the difference between cigarette smoke and the smell of weed?

    Yes. The difference is VERY obvious. Marijuana smells a lot more "herbal". No, I would never call the cops on someone smoking weed as long as they weren't threatening me or driving while stoned.
  13. H

    Have you ever drawn a paw print on a greeting card to make it look like your

    dog signed it too? lmfao, I know it's probably so stupid, but I do that all the time XD
  14. H

    What do you do when you're really hungry, but you don't want to cook anything or...

    ...go out or order in? I really want something to eat, but I'm in no mood to cook and I don't want to go out to eat and I don't want delivery people to come to my house because they take forever to get here and charge too much anyway. BQ: Have you ever had days like these?