Recent content by Hale2

  1. H

    Audiophiles Survey, What medium do you prefer to get the highest quality...

    ...reproduction of music? Do you prefer to listen to: MP3 download CD disc cassette tape Vinyl platter Yes, I forgot to list DATs. I've heard that Vinyl records are coming back. The vinyl platter has a more natural sound than the precise digital signal according to musicians I've talked too...
  2. H

    Audiophiles, Which medium do you prefer to get the highest quality

    reproduction of your music collection? Do you prefer to listen to: MP3 download CD disc cassette tape Vinyl platter YAHOO POLICE - Yes, I forgot to list DATs. I've heard that Vinyl records are coming back. The vinyl platter has a more natural sound than the precise digital signal according to...
  3. H

    In my school, it says in the handbook "PDA is limited to holding hands"?

    That's what it says.....but no hugging or kissing
  4. H

    Did the comedy "Yes Dear" have a premonition about Tiger?

    What did they know and when did they know it?
  5. H

    A good Fitness Plan for me?

    ihit3s' answer is good. Jacob was so not right about soccer... you run a lot in the sport and the coach trains you like crazy!!! Practice doing head butts (very helpful) and dribbling. Even juggling maybe. This'll take time, but you can do it! Practice being the goalie too. You never know what...