Recent content by HailNawt

  1. H

    why does the pope drive around in his pope-mobile with the bulletproof windows

    He needs to have the windows up. He may feel secure having them down, but there are many who dislike this pope.
  2. H

    why does the pope drive around in his pope-mobile with the bulletproof

    He needs to have the windows up. He may feel secure having them down, but there are many who dislike this pope.
  3. H

    why does the pope drive around in his pope-mobile with the bulletproof windows wound

    He needs to have the windows up. He may feel secure having them down, but there are many who dislike this pope.
  4. H

    why does the pope drive around in his pope-mobile with the bulletproof...

    He needs to have the windows up. He may feel secure having them down, but there are many who dislike this pope.
  5. H

    why does the pope drive around in his pope-mobile with the bulletproof...

    He needs to have the windows up. He may feel secure having them down, but there are many who dislike this pope.
  6. H

    why does the pope drive around in his pope-mobile with the bulletproof

    He needs to have the windows up. He may feel secure having them down, but there are many who dislike this pope.
  7. H

    Bible prophecies that have come true?

    Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Jesus' death on the cross. His blood was the sacrifice that was made for our salvation.
  8. H

    Why do people believe in organised religions when there is so much overwhelming

    Please don't brainwash me with your garden variety generalizations. What I realize is that I have a choice in what I want to believe in. How can you possibly expect people to assume God's intentions? Whoever God communicates with, it's between God and the person/people. Edit: There is only one...
  9. H

    Any other Christians who enjoy sarcasm and dark humor?

    I do. One of my favorite movies of all time is The Big White with Robin Williams. I don't see anything wrong with me..seriously wrong that is. Oh Jesus Muhammad! We meet again. What are the
  10. H

    Are Earrings Sinful, Christian question?

    Your friend has been mislead about what salvation through Jesus Christ means. She'll learn. Earrings aren't evil.
  11. H

    Why did Protestants remove an OT book that made a prophecy clearly speaking of Jesus?

    Christians never removed any books from the OT. There are books in it that refers to the coming of Jesus Christ. Let me take a look and I can give you what is in the OT. Edit: Throughout the OT, prophesies of the Coming of Jesus Christ are found, beginning in Genesis. Genesis 3:15 15 And I...
  12. H

    We know what is moral even not basing them on religions, but when can an act be

    I'm leaving religion out of this since you obviously haven't. Murder Rape Molesting Children Fraud All are immoral acts
  13. H

    Do you think the relationship between theist and atheist will work?

    In marriage, no. In the workplace and friendship, it should. I have raised my children in the church; when they become adults and leave home, then they can believe in whatever they want to believe in. But, their faith in Jesus Christ is as strong as mind and my husband's.
  14. H

    What are some other books that may interest me?

    Helter Skelter In Cold Blood These books are flagged by libraries and then you'd be "Big Brothered" by the government. Or, is this some made-up idea that I saw in "Seven"?
  15. H

    What are some other books that may interest me?

    Helter Skelter In Cold Blood These books are flagged by libraries and then you'd be "Big Brothered" by the government. Or, is this some made-up idea that I saw in "Seven"?