Recent content by gunsrfunmg

  1. G

    Throw Down Your Best Jokes

    i lol'd
  2. G

    So i might be beaten to death..

    tell him your daddy is going to call his daddy if he keeps bullying you
  3. G

    Why is this no surprise? Idiots... just idiots

    He didn't say Clinton was a hick, he said he sounds like a hick (to british ears), which to be honest I dont think is particularly insulting, especially when you consider that it's true.
  4. G


    where's the fun in that?
  5. G

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    As it should. If you are arrested, you're record is never clean; why should you get off scott free because, oh wait a minute, your own department cleared you of any wrongdoing. What a shock, someone files a complaint and then gets strongarmed into withdrawing it by the very department they're...
  6. G

    Ideas for my goddamned girlfriends 20th b-day

    The few, the proud, the un-witty.
  7. G

    Funny Knockoffs and Counterfeits (pics)

    Glad you all enjoyed the knockoffs. Here's a "Diesel" one taken at a mall here in Nong Khai, Thailand.
  8. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Tell me about it! Which is why I'm really miffed at Wrangler. I knew exactly which size and style to buy, so could buy my jeans online where they were cheaper and I didn't have to go to the shops and mingle with people!
  9. G

    A question for Eastern Orthodox Christians?

    What is the EOC's take on these verses and predestination/free will in general? I'm curious about the one from Proverbs in particular as it seems a bit scary. Proverbs 16:4 The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. John 12:40 He hath blinded their...
  10. G


    Anyone else just have a minor quake? I'm in southern Indiana and due to the tornados we can have thought there was one near my house again causing the rumbling and shaking, but its crystal clear outside. If you did feel it, post up where you are and how bad it was, also any news coverage on it.
  11. G

    Toshiba Bubble Helmet

    I want at least seven of those.
  12. G

    What religion was MLK?

    He was, indeed, a firm believe in Jesus Christ.
  13. G

    What religions have a hell?

    Christianity and Islam as well as some pagan religions. I don't know the details about the pagan ones though.
  14. G

    Question to all Christians. . .?

  15. G

    Christians what do you really think about the Jews and Judaism?

    My one and only complaint about them is that they have not accepted Jesus as their Messiah.