Recent content by genevieveo

  1. G

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Might even let you visit now you're posh x
  2. G

    Immigration bill to pass

    I hope that wasn't a serious question.
  3. G

    Drunk driver vs. Bike race

    oh that's nice. I think we should talk about weather
  4. G

    Determinist or free willist?

    So which are you, and why?
  5. G


    stayyy out. trust me i had a similar experiance
  6. G

    Ticket question

    just tell him not like u were speeding or driving drunk u had a light out no big deal and if he gets mad about you driving friends home well thats just dumb
  7. G

    fill me in

  8. G

    Who Shares your birthday

    smokey the bear mother fuckers im for serious, feb 28th edit: holy shit this should be dead.....ive neva seen it before tho
  9. G

    Whats your least favorite country

  10. G

    Martial arts with Anime and Manga

    Google? Whats that do?
  11. G

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Does the very same argument not apply to such organisations as the Westboro Baptist Church, when picketing at dead soldiers funerals, etc. These people invoke the first amendment everytime they picket, and as such are not arrested, and many of...
  12. G

    Things you used to believe

  13. G

    The coolest bird ever!!!
  14. G

    Just another stupid person wasting my air...

    Pffft AS IF!! Read here: Free market That's like saying the government cant and wont tax food, no one will buy it everyone would grow their own plants