Recent content by GarryH

  1. G

    Why won't my car stereo play the usb files?

    My car stereo (kia) reconises the usb flash drive and it's contents,but wont play the music. All i get is a clicking noise.The stereo display even shows the track titles. I have the mode set to usb. The flash drive works fine on the computer.
  2. G

    Interesting Model United Nations topics?

    How about the long term storage of and transporting across international borders of radioactive waste from Power Generating Reactors. This waste is piling up and something will have to be decided soon. I believe there is controversy on how far it can be transfered safely and ethical questions of...
  3. G

    Interesting Model United Nations topics?

    How about the long term storage of and transporting across international borders of radioactive waste from Power Generating Reactors. This waste is piling up and something will have to be decided soon. I believe there is controversy on how far it can be transfered safely and ethical questions of...
  4. G

    Interesting Model United Nations topics?

    How about the long term storage of and transporting across international borders of radioactive waste from Power Generating Reactors. This waste is piling up and something will have to be decided soon. I believe there is controversy on how far it can be transfered safely and ethical questions of...
  5. G

    Interesting Model United Nations topics?

    How about the long term storage of and transporting across international borders of radioactive waste from Power Generating Reactors. This waste is piling up and something will have to be decided soon. I believe there is controversy on how far it can be transfered safely and ethical questions of...
  6. G

    Are there any pictures of these pirates that keep hijacking boats recently?

    This question was asked a couple days ago and the answers include some good video.;_ylt=Aooc88AJWwv5dpJqJv25rvDty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090408162332AABqWzT&show=7#profile-info-d5zEYomEaa
  7. G

    I think Americans whine too much but some are never willing to do anything about it?

    Read these two articles. Do you still think they are spending our money wisely? I don't believe giving even more tax money to these people will help as they are taking advantage of the situation. Two Nobel Laureates are saying this is a bad idea. I would like to add that I am all for helping...
  8. G

    I think Americans whine too much but some are never willing to do anything about it?

    Read these two articles. Do you still think they are spending our money wisely? I don't believe giving even more tax money to these people will help as they are taking advantage of the situation. Two Nobel Laureates are saying this is a bad idea. I would like to add that I am all for helping...
  9. G

    How far will Obama's opening a dialog with Iran take us?

    Could this thaw in relations eventually lead to assurances from Iran concerning development of nuclear weapons.
  10. G

    Should the G20 look to Canada for answers?

    Canadian banks are tightly regulated and have weathered the crisis should we regulate our banks along the same lines?
  11. G

    R.I.P. Jade Goody...Goodnight and God bless our sweet - Update?

    Further to my first post, it seems that 99% of my replies were vicious, and uncalled for. Now let me tell you straight: Jade Goody was treated as though she had committed the worst crime of the century. people have committed worst sins than her. People like Gary Glitter and Fred West come to...
  12. G

    Was Jade Goody Racist? Or a victim of Class Discrimination?

    After hearing about Jade's recent Cancer battle, I just hope that those bullies who crucified her following the NON-RACIST comment on BB can sleep at night. I work with with a big amount of Asian people and after talking to them every one of them said "Racism? what Racism? she was only...
  13. G

    "Backyard" MMA regarding legal issues?

    There are some other questions that come in to play. Are you paying the fighters? Is the audience paying you for their seat? If the answer is yes to either of these, then you are conducting business like a promoter. Promoting without a license is illegal. If it is just a bunch of guys getting...
  14. G

    For Educated MMA Fans...My Best Friends Fights?

    He's got a good start. I'd like to see more of him before I think he's going to the UFC, but he does look comfortable in the cage. He has a pretty smooth transition to arm bar from his back, pretty good hips (hip controll), and his striking is O.K. He really needs to step up against tougher...
  15. G

    Why do boxers make A LOT more money than MMA fighters?

    You have to take into account that Boxing has been around a lot longer than MMA. The Higher level Boxers (De La Hoya, Mayweather, Hollyfield, etc) are more likely to draw more interest than the top MMA guys. More interest in a fight means more revenue. More revenue makes bigger paychecks all...