Recent content by formerly_bob

  1. F

    Is it possible to have hepatitis with normal/lowAST/ALT levels in the liver?

    Yes. Sometimes the immune system is able to keep the viral loads low enough that there aren't any symptoms. This usually only happens with hepatitis C.
  2. F

    Using insulin for bodybuilding?

    Insulin lowers your blood sugar levels by causing cells to take up more glucose. Glucose is the fuel used in metabolism, so it seems logical that you can work your muscles harder if they have more glucose. This is the idea that is used to sell insulin as a bodybuilding supplement. However...
  3. F

    Using coal tar shampoo (Polytar)?

    Its possible that the coal tar will clear up the psoriasis after a few weeks, and you might not need other medicated shampoos. Tea tree oil can make psoriasis better or worse. You won't know what works best until you try it.
  4. F

    how long till night time will be lighter outdoors night time pennsylvania.?

    Probably next week - daylight savings time starts!
  5. F

    hi I am 12 weeks pegnant and i work sorting bell peppers and they spray them...

    A normal levels of exposure, there are no known harmful effects of bleach on a developing fetus; however, it's not like there's a bunch of scientists studying this sort of thing. If you are having a reaction to the bleach, your immune reaction itself may be more of a threat to the fetus...
  6. F

    My big toe is black and blue and it hunts to walk what to do?

    Three options options: ignore it and hope for the best - this is a good choice if you can walk OK and if you don't think you hit it hard enough to break it; take the day off, keep the foot elevated, and apply ice for 10 minutes on and half hour off; or visit the doc. From personal...
  7. F

    3 weeks cold sweating and headache in the evening?

    There is no way to know for sure what is causing this without more information. You need to look for possible causes yourself. If this only happens in the evening, its very likely that that you are doing something in the late afternoon or early evening that is triggering this problem. A...