Recent content by fluflu66

  1. F


  2. F

    Texas vs Tennessee

    Should have visited me in Tx.
  3. F

    The World Cup

    France 3-1 vs Spain Holy crap. LOL. Anyone else see the Italian "diving school". Was hilarious, cheating bastids.
  4. F

    My daughter won the 2013 International Pole Championship

    That is pretty damn impressive. If she started at twenty nine she couldn't have been at it too long at all. Congratulations to her.
  5. F

    Braces on Braces?

    dont be a pussy, you havent even made out with her yet man? your pathetic
  6. F

    Girl without legs and no arms wants to be a cheerleader.

    because people are stupid and uncritical. you don't see many overweight cheerleaders either for the same reason: people are predisposed due to social factors to view overweight people negatively. similar negative connotations are applied to people with other issues, such as physical or mental...
  7. F


    Nope. Accent = pronounciation/inflection/speech pattern Slang = vocabulary differences Dialect can be graofftopicr differences, and/or any combination of the other two. It'd depend on the exam. Generally it would be a problem, as the exam will usually be on a technical subject (which will...
  8. F


    bigfatdanman was drunk last night. bigfatdanman make many bad decisions
  9. F


    wtf huh? has no one added to this forum in awhile? it seems not. I have a feeling that this Teacher dude is a little off with his facts...
  10. F

    Couple years ago

  11. F

    At 80 mph how long does it take to go 80 miles?

    This reminds me of a Facebook convo that was flagged up and doing the rounds on the interweb where some student was telling the world how dumb her lecturer was because he had said "the sun is a star". It appeared that she thought differently... I can't link it as the subsequent comments aren't...
  12. F

    who remembers?

    id hit it
  13. F

    The Member Depreciation Thread

    Aww sweetie :love: I don't really care anyway - just annoys me that they won't tell me who they are. I don't think they had any rep power anyway :rofl:
  14. F

    newspaper miss-prints

  15. F

    Frequent pictures of killed people are shown.

    LOL! Flex that muscle Bil. Flex that muscle.