Recent content by Fiofragen

  1. F

    If I buy the iPhone 4 fully can I put it on Telus as a carrier ?

    I am planing on buying an iPhone 4 and I want to know if I can get Telus to carry my services, I am in Canada and I'd have to buy the phone out right (like 700$) please help me
  2. F

    What is telus base long distance cost?

    If I have no plan on telus prepaid, how much will I pay per minute of longsistance?
  3. F

    does telus cover USA and Canada in ulim text?

    Can anyone tell me what cellphone companies give unlimited USA and Canada textinf, I'm in Canada and have options of Rogers bell telus and virgin please help me by telling me what ones unlimited text covers what
  4. F

    A rabbit punched me in the face?

    wow...the way you woke up seems like a nightmare, but it doesn't really seem like a Scary dream, are you exposed to rabbits, or think about them, what about Car jackings or watch a lot of those movies where the "bad thing" what ever it is, is chasing the main characters as they get in their car...
  5. F

    A rabbit punched me in the face?

    wow...the way you woke up seems like a nightmare, but it doesn't really seem like a Scary dream, are you exposed to rabbits, or think about them, what about Car jackings or watch a lot of those movies where the "bad thing" what ever it is, is chasing the main characters as they get in their car...
  6. F

    Extreamly vivid dreams "day-sha-voo" later in life?

    I have had dreams in my early life, and i am now on recently noticing Day-sha-voo seeing my vivid dreams, such as a place, person, car, or even a whole event in one or two cases, i totally forgot about the dreams until they happened and i have had some more vivid dreams, is it possible that...