Recent content by FaZizzle

  1. F

    If I cancel my contract early with Verizon, do I get an upgrade?

    No, and you would be wasting money. There's no upgrade anymore. They stopped that years ago. If you have an iPhone, then you're on a plan that isn't an upgrade. It means you have a 1 year contract and if you want a new phone, you'll have to renew that contract early.
  2. F

    Dish Network Problem, help needed!!!?

    I would call them again and just ask for a manager. Really though, I wouldn't worry until mid-January. It's a crazy time, so the more time you give them, the more likely it is that you'll get a large rebate when the time comes.
  3. F

    When I get a UPS delivery do they leave the package ring your door bell then run off?

    It depends if it is requires a signature. If it does, then they'll leave a note that they will be by again the next day or you can pick it up at the UPS office after 5:00. Our UPS man is speedy - sometimes he just crams it into our mailbox. Other times he'll put it in the storm door while...
  4. F

    Weird question about penis' mainly for the girls only lol?

    Um...I can be pretty sure that a guy just won't show a girl his dick on whim. It's not like they whip it out to show how it looks. ALL men are "growers" as you put it. Plus, I don't think many girls care. It's not about the size. It's how you use it.
  5. F

    Need sponser for a charity school trip?

    Do your own work. Start a letter writing and calling campaign. Get people on the phone. Who donated in the past? You HAVE to do your own work here. Just asking random strangers to donate money or find companies for you is a very lazy approach to fundraising.
  6. F

    Could a silk baby doll dress (mid knee) with tights be considered business

    No. That's inappropriate for work. A silk baby doll dress is great for going out to a club or out with friends, but it is NOT appropriate attire for work.
  7. F

    i am going on holiday tomorrow and it is my 1rst time travelling with a...

    1) Make up two bottles - you are more likely to get bottles in then the bottle or packets. 2) Don't worry about the microwave - if your child can take bottles at room tempearture, even more convenience. A warmed bottle is just to simulate breastmilk, but it isn't required. 3) If she gets a...