Recent content by falisrm

  1. F

    Straight Razors and Shaving Badgers

    you guys new it was coming...
  2. F

    best places to nap at work

    Ooooooooooooh a sofa seems to have appeared in our staff room ,oddly! Looks perfect for napping on
  3. F

    Iraq, Another Vietnam?

    I'd agree, but I think the view of soldiers as being expendable isn't far from wrong. The cost of a human body compared to other things viewed higher is surprising
  4. F

    Day of Silence 2008

  5. F

    Read please! Urgent!

    Ok, first of all, it was sort of a joke. Second, she and I actually thought up the intro together this afternoon
  6. F

    Cats with ADHD

    could you possibly be mistaking a cats normal behavior for adhd? because itis impossible for a cat to have adhd. This is because the disease doesent exist in cats. there are no criteria for diagnosing it. Even if there were it would be pointless to treat. most doctors who arent complete hacks...
  7. F

    Abortion is Wrong

    Agree. But so are many subjects(outdated) that people cling onto. It is hard for some to create or refresh new rebuttal. Simply, referencing-rehashing the same ol is all but too "convenient" Certain people are "not fine" with it. People have to go on the "deep end" about almost anything. I...
  8. F

    what was the funniest momment in your life??

    theres only one company that makes those...
  9. F

    I am a draft dodging sissy!

    God, and I thought the American system of everything was screwed up. =/ PL
  10. F

    Change the song name

    Dreamlover - Mariah Carey (you all know it!)
  11. F

    st what should i do with it *pic in a min* as well, are a little late.
  12. F


    4.09 is the highest ive seen for premium near me in long island NY and that was about a week ago. The average price atm is 3.50 a gallon, but it's not really that we are running out of oil and shit its inflation. We have so much oil left so that our generation can live the way we are now without...
  13. F

    Best Statue Evar!

    I never saw a statue that wasn't a waste of money to be honest, but at least Robocop is awesome. There's a project undergoing in Wales that will cost something like 8 million dollars, all it is is a glass fronted tower with a gold dragon on top. There's also an "arch" (read: fallopian tubes) not...
  14. F

    Afghanistan and Wikilieaks

    I'm sorry, can you rephrase your point, I'm not getting it.
  15. F

    Warning: Sex with Hitler may give you AIDS

    heh it was hilarious