Recent content by eternity

  1. E

    Will T-mobile customers lose their current plans if the AT&T merger takes place?

    Will long time t-mobile customers lose their plan when the merger takes place?
  2. E

    Hi I was wondering wat phone is the top rated phone or the most popular

    Definitely Samsung Behold & Behold II. I would also say G1 is popular for more busy, Internet-using businessmen & MyTouch 3G for those who want a friendly alternative to an iPod Touch or Moto Droid.
  3. E

    Can anyone tell me my future?

    You are a powerhouse. Whatever needs doing you will do.
  4. E

    If I shave my mid 20s daughters head, will this make her hair grow back thicker?

    I am asking Muslims this question because they seem to know more about the subject.
  5. E

    What's the best choice between blackberry bold in keypad qwerty vs azerty?

    Is there any difference except the keypad location?
  6. E

    "Chandra x ray observatory" satellite?

    who is the greatest contributor for this observatory: NASA or INDIAN SPACE ORGANIZATION I think India has just a name on it but nothing more than that, right? Everything is done by Nasa. So what's the Bottom line?
  7. E

    How can i get free games on my samsung eternity? and i cant use internet from... phone? every time i try it says the file is unsupported. I don't have an internet plan so I cant get games that way. Can anyone help me?
  8. E

    photo capacity on nokia 6300?

    it holds 9000 pictures
  9. E

    Muslimas, how would you feel about your husband going on the internet when your

    not home and flirting? Flirting and Chatting! What would you do, confront him or pretend you don't know what he is doing?
  10. E

    Ortho tri cyclen lo question: did i start correctly? when will i get my period?

    i started ortho tri cyclen lo a weekd AFTER my period ENDED (my clinician at planned parenthood said it was okay to start the pill at any day). Is it true? Did I start it correctly? What if I did not start correctly, is it okay? I am almost done w/ the pack and I am going to take my 2nd placebo...
  11. E

    Is Jenna Jameson bisexual? Lesbian?

    or straight?
  12. E

    Do you see the things I mean?

    That was honestly excellent. Are you a writer?