Recent content by ~Eroborus~

  1. E

    Fish tank water change info please...?

    OK so i need to know, why do we change 10% of the water in tropical fish tanks a week? Why not do 20% every forthnight? or 40% every month? Or can i do these things and i just didnt realise? why is it 10% too? can i do 20% a week? or most of the 200 litre fish tank i have every week, say 50%...
  2. E

    Is this a good fish for my tank?

    I completly agree with you on the 1" per gallon thing, first of all, i had a reedfish which was about 14" long, but that doesnt mean it needs 14 gallons of water all to itself! i buy my fish from shops as you can haggle for the price, and also you can see whether the fish would be too cramped in...
  3. E

    Does anyone have any piranha, Large Pleco, Large Catfish, or green terrors for sale?

    I'm looking to buy these fish, I'm in the UK in middlesbrough but i dont mind travelling if the price is right. no further than 30 miles. 10 points to best answer.... I.E. the one i buy stuff from :D