Recent content by ErinM1

  1. E

    ouchy sore throat. wat to do?

    no more cock 4 u
  2. E

    what do these pics tell you about this kid?

    A fifteen year old Korean from Oregon.
  3. E

    Google Image War. The P Wars.

  4. E

    Wheres your favorite place to eat?

  5. E

    Find me some cool shoes
  6. E

    Dyatlov Pass Accident

    Oh my god. Your geting quoted
  7. E

    What does your avatar mean?

    jimmy page
  8. E

    nintendo ds for free?

    where can I get one for free or is there somewhere I can win one
  9. E

    nintendo ds for free?

    where can I get one for free or is there somewhere I can win one
  10. E

    My 10 week old Italian Greyhound will not stop whining at night?

    My husband and I have had our puppy for 2 weeks and he is awful at night. We have been trying to crate him at night but his whimpers and scratching turn into straight up cries that are so loud I think my neighbors will complain. How do i stop him from doing this and get him to like his crate...
  11. E

    Is it dangerous...

    Yes it could rip your insides apart
  12. E

    Yuffie and 3105 are the hottest couple in the celebrity jungle

    Something about you guys being the coolest thing of 09.
  13. E

    Pre-CALC Problems!! Need Help Easy, QUIZ MONDAY!!?

    I've scanned my work for you so you can see. It's a lot easier than trying to type it all out. Look at it here ( ), and I'll type some additional explanation. 1. The easiest way to find these SOHCAHTOA ratios is to draw the triangle and...
  14. E

    So I grew mutton chops and a goatee...

    Host before you post.
  15. E

    Can u yeast infection be passed on by sex?

    All kinds of ways to get it...disruption in normal vaginal flora due to too much moisture, not showering enough, antibiotics is a major cause. Some people are just more prone to them than others. It is usually not caused by sex unless the man is uncircumcised. In other words it is usually not...