Recent content by epik555

  1. E

    Attention Lesbians!!!!!!!?

    I love tats and have 9 myself. I think if they are tasteful and in good body :)
  2. E

    Attention Lesbians!!!!!!!?

    I love tats and have 9 myself. I think if they are tasteful and in good body :)
  3. E

    does anybody else hate fat people who complain that they are fat yet do...

    yes sometimes that does irritate me, or how about the ones who think that if they take a pill they'll lose the weight overnight? eeerrrrrrrrrrrr.........
  4. E

    What if one of your best friends say they are bisexual? What should i do?

    Be supportive, she came to you about this for a reason, cuz she trusts and cares about you. Don't worry about her other friends, it's about you being a good friend to her and not judging.
  5. E

    I am confused about gay marriage?

    As with all marriages, they both are claimed as dependants and it's really up to the couple as to who takes who's last name or not, even in straight couples it's like that.