Recent content by EmmalLouiseM

  1. E

    Look what came today, for real this time.

    lol dumbass;You really thought there was 300 boxes in the car,didnt you?
  2. E

    Today i went outside and rolled out a towel and put

    dude you should really upgrade to pro man
  3. E

    Tidying Up Support Thread

    For having such a dirty/untidy room. Girls are supposed to be tidy???? My mistake
  4. E

    Fuck I sneezed

    u no who dis be?
  5. E

    Cool Google Trick type in "french military victories" hit "im feeling lucky" laff :dodgy:
  6. E

    What are your pet peeves?

    haha. you would be surprised how many people look at their watch in response to things like "when are you leaving for the bus" try it a few times its like people think their watch is gonna know my pet peeve is vegans and vegetarians. God I just hate them. Im sure there are vegans out there...
  7. E

    t/f - adopted kids get free ride to college

    lol are you adopted?
  8. E

    33-year-old man sired 30 children through 11 women?

    Do you mean if he requested that you become baby mama number twelve?
  9. E

    beverage of choice

  10. E

    omg why did my thread get closed?

    I thought we was friends...
  11. E

    How beautiful is she?!

    My first thought was 'alien' but in a nice way. She is quite pretty.
  12. E

    most embarrasing thing that have ever happened to you in class

    I pooped my pants in 1st grade, but no one knew it was me and no one remembers. In 9th grade I let out probably one of the nastiest farts ever, and it spread over around 20 feet. It was in the morning, but it was a good thing my section of lockers wasn't very populated and was separated from...
  13. E

    Language Learning

    lol... if your wife is Indian then you're already on your way to learning Hindi... Star TV on the latest Indian serial or Bollywood film is pretty much a condition of marriage.
  14. E

    The MAP edited pics thread.

    Who is willing to post a picture for me since I can't seem to be able to do so.