Recent content by Emelie

  1. E

    What movie is this? I watched it around Halloween.?

    When I was little I watched a movie around Halloween that scared me, and has haunted me, ever since. I was thinking of watching it again. Alas, I don't remember the title of the movie, and only have vague memories of it. The section of the movie I remember is of a young girl/woman (she was old...
  2. E

    Why do guys check me out all the time but never try to talk to me?

    I'll see guys glance at me a few times or even outright stare, but they never come up to me and try to talk to me. Why?!? I'm not intimidating..I don't think. And I do a lot of things by myself so I'm not often surrounded by a bunch of people. What am I doing wrong