Recent content by ElNerdoLoco

  1. E

    Is this a good concept for a new sci-fi series?

    I got this idea after watching, "Almost Human" I know dystopian futures are kind of the thing and this is more of a utopian one. But the basic premise is, imagine a world where J.J. Abrams is no longer a thing. Would there be much of a market for that?
  2. E

    Religious indoctrination is dangerous, but why aren't many aware of alt

    In my view, it is. I think Andrew Wakefield, Jenny McCarthy, and others should be held liable for the kids dieing of things like whooping cough because of the anti-vaccine nonsense they spread.
  3. E


    That's sweet. Ask him to visit me some time.
  4. E

    when I earn $1,000,000.00 form taking online surveys to i have to pay taxes?

    I cannot predict what the tax code will be by the time you reach that amount.
  5. E

    Why does god want us to have faith he exists?

    Empiricists. If you are born with that knowledge and nothing to back it up, we'll question is that knowledge can be trusted. God would need to make his existence evident. Not something we are just born knowing.
  6. E

    Isn't it amusing how some people love to claim that gay people are 'shoving' it

    Why isn't it shoving heterosexuality in people's faces when straight couples hold hands, kiss, or are a central focus in a movie or television show? There is a huge double standard going on.
  7. E

    What kind of robe should I buy?

    Jedi. Comfortable, functional, lots of pockets... Definitely Jedi.