Recent content by ducky

  1. D

    Christians, why do you ignore everything with proof and believe things without proof?

    I think this questions shows how much your willing to believe without proof. Evolution is not a fact, it is a scientific theory. A fact is nothing more than an observable piece of data (ex: the sun rises in the morning) whereas as theory is an explanation to the data (ex: the sun rises in the...
  2. D

    Going hiking/camping and have an embarassing question?

    Anywhere that is private. Just be sure you don't do it in poison ivy. Bring t.p. and a huge baggy for it. Also hand wipes.
  3. D

    rca dvd home theater system rtd317?

    I was just given a RCA DVD Home Theatre System RTD317. For some reason only the Front Right and Front Left speakers work on the DVD player, and the Back Left and Back Right only seem to work on AUX2. Does anyone know how I can get all the speakers to work how they should?
  4. D

    Why do Christians say "EVOLUTION IS A THEORY!" when their religion is merely a

    You may want to look up what a hypothesis is before you start judging them for their lack of scientific understanding when you clearly lack it as well.
  5. D

    Which of the following does NOT describe a feature of protein in nutrition?

    A. We have not studied all the body's proteins
  6. D

    nutrition plan ideas...?

    I understand how you feel. I am also a snacker, and a recovered anorexic. Instead of worrying about 'how much' your consuming worry about 'what' your consuming. You are at a healthy weight which means that your body will tell you when its full and when it's hungry. Think about eating a...
  7. D

    Christians, How many people have you turned to god while arguing with them on R&S?

    My point of debating here, is not to convert others. Its to help struggling believers to know the truth. I know that, when I was struggling, simple atheist statements made my faith shake. But if I saw somebody reply to the atheist with a good and logical answer, than my faith kept strong.
  8. D

    Why do SOME christians(not all of them) complain about welfare when Jesus would...

    Just an interesting thought welfare originated from the churches. "Early English legislation, the Poor Laws required local parishes to provide relief to the deserving poor(those who were elderly,ill or disabled). Parishes were administrative districts organized by the Church of England." They...
  9. D

    What to get signed at a panic at the disco meet and greet? ?

    Don't bring your guitar, that could easily get snatched Bring your shirt or CD
  10. D

    can someone please explain this joke?

    there are two penguins in a tub. one says "can your pass me the soap" and the other one says "what do you think I am a typewrighter?" I really don't get it, but apparently it's a really funny joke
  11. D

    Free audiobook for to kill a mockingbird?

    I need an audiobook for to kill a mockingbird I have a really hard time reading and think audiobooks help me out alot. Really apprecuate it. :)
  12. D

    Sometimes when people are talking and they want to demonstrate something if I... sitting next to them? They tend to use me, and poke mr or jab my thigh-I HATE being touched. I like hugs, but touching me to softly or to hard freaks me out. Can you politely tell them you don't like to be touched that way? Or let it go because it probably won't happen again?
  13. D

    Thesis statement for how cell phones have changed us socially?

    I need to write a paper on how cell phones have changed us socially. I need a thesis statement though. It has to answer a research question and assert a position. Thank you!