Recent content by Doodles

  1. D

    Craziest Thing in school i could do?

    Start a food fight, and have someone record it for us.
  2. D

    So i might be beaten to death..

    I hope you die. :tup:
  3. D

    Myspace Is Racist.

    iKn0w rIgHT? FaCeB00k iS sOo mUCh BeTtEr lol!11
  4. D

    Can It Be Any Funnier?

    lololol It's what I had in ctrl + V
  5. D

    Do you prefer spending your time indoors or outdoors?

    outdoors. love to be in the sunshine and fresh air and enjoy activities outdoors, especially near or in the water.
  6. D

    has anyone got any disney dvd or blueray reward codes?

    hiya ive been doing this thing on the computer and would like to know if anyone could give me an unused disney dvd or blueray reward code, you can find them inside your dvd case. Thankyou x
  7. D

    Is it hard to get into fashion?

    Ive always wanted to do something with fashion. Im still 16 so I haven't decided anything yet, but I know I would love to do something with it. Do you know if it is hard to get into? Im taking up a hobby of making my own clothes as I feel I am good enough to start doing it and would like to...
  8. D

    Explain the logic in buying an $80,000 lexus when you can get well equipped...

    Horsepower is great as long as the accelorator doesn't stick.
  9. D

    When you hear a loud plane or a loud truck drive by in the middle of the night...?

    No... I think it's a crazy space spider that will hide in the sewers and disguise itself as a clown and it will feed on children.
  10. D

    Kenny Rogers is on my front porch, drunk and wont leave. How do I get rid of him...?

    throw a chicken leg down the road and he'll run after it
  11. D


    I just finished the breakup bible and im looking for a new good read... any suggestions?
  12. D

    is it legal for landlords to raise the rent mid lease to almost an additional $100?

    my elderly aunt 87 just got a note saying that the rent will now also include gas and sewage at approxamitley 100$ more per month.
  13. D

    Andy Griffith show trivia: What was the character's name that played the...

    ...hardware store owner? (Character)? Looking for the character's name in the show, not the actor's real name.