Recent content by Demon

  1. D

    Does the LG bluetooth wireless working fine for PC's ?

    I would like to buy LG bluetooth wireless. but i have no idea if it's working fine for the PC also i have Creative X-fi which is an external sound device. Can anyone tell me any info about it?
  2. D

    Aks, Ax, Axe, ASK?

    I think that one sentence pretty much sums everything up. It's a bit like a Chinese person sailing down the Ganges to "try and find themselves" or a Nigerian going fox hunting with pack of dogs by side, monacle in the eye and bugle in hand in order to aquire some identity they think themselves...
  3. D


    Point of information The Bear's kilt only hangs to below his knees while I wear a hakama that hangs to my ankles. Make of that what you will. regards koyo
  4. D

    Is there anything to the GOP's recent debt whining other than wanting to hurt the

    Nope and the debt relates to unemployment how?
  5. D

    Do good leaders whine about their opponents, ruin their countries economy, &

    Auto sales. Stock markets corporate profits all up double digits. R u sick??? Go see an exorcist!
  6. D

    I have a band question that I'm having trouble dealing with?

    The band Heaven Shall Burn is my one of my favorite bands for many reasons, but I am confused in some cases, I can't seem to pin point where they think we came from, in one album (well all of them actually) they talk about courrput religion, basically Christianty, and even have a song called...
  7. D

    9mm or 45

    I'd say go for a compact 1911, or ultra compact if you want.
  8. D

    Why is Democracy better than everything?

    I would love to hear where that happened, because as of now, I have answered to every claim on this thread. I have explained long and large how it's mostly a theoretical system. You're arguing with history by denying both the Makhnovists and the anarchists of the Spanish Civil War the title of...
  9. D

    Papercut support group

    My brother did that! I've also done the standing on a shard of glass wasn't long after the incident where i put my wrist through a pane of glass.... Womble
  10. D

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    I once hit a live snake on a motorcycle and had it bounce off my leg so I know that rush! I should have explained Tar Snakes for all our friends not familiar with American Motorcycle slang, sorry. A Tar Snake is the spray on tar the highway departments spray into the cracks that develop in...
  11. D

    We need to stop the hate

    There is no "our" smalltalk memes. Its either *chans, ytmnd, or something awefules memes.
  12. D

    Final statements

    are you watching closely?
  13. D

    Who Created God?

    Heavily flawed argument. The fact that we think is simply that, a fact that needs to be brought into the argument. Whether 'tis the illusion of thinking or actual free-willed thought doesn't matter. You cannot then say that if we were not created to think, then we can't trust our thoughts...
  14. D

    Rate the location above you V1.00000

    10 good friend of mine from there
  15. D

    I need help with my secret santa...from Belgium

    buy him some belgium chocolate...