Recent content by davester1970

  1. D

    Why do guys care so much about there trucks?

    It is a machismo thing. Every guy who owns a truck are particular and loyal to their make and model of truck. Thank God I don't own a truck or aspire to be a pickup truck guy.
  2. D

    How can I convice men to take me seriously in MMA Class?

    The only way you are going to get their respect is by landing a few good shots to the chin. Ringing a few bells will get their attention.
  3. D

    If a friend invited you out, is it ok to mingle with other guys?

    It depends on how I felt about her. If she is only a friend on a platonic level and I had no feelings for her that way, then she can flirt will all the guys in the room for all I care.
  4. D

    Will I ever meet someone if I'm housebound?

    Since you can't physically leave the house, the only two ways you can met someone is either online or through family and friends.
  5. D

    Ladies, why do you get with a fat guy only to complain that he's fat and...

    That is called being shallow. If anyone male or female wanted someone who is in good physical shape, then why are they getting with someone fat in the first place. If you aren't physically attracted to someone, then do the both of you a favor and stay away from each other.
  6. D

    How do i buy UFC pay per view?

    You can do either or. The best way to order is to tune into the PPV channel that the fight is taking place and follow the order instructions.
  7. D

    My boyfriend still has his ex's number on his cellphone even though they don't...

    If you know that he is not talking to her and she isn't talking to him, then what is the problem? So yes, you are overreacting. Unless his phone log showed that he was calling her recently, then you have nothing to worry. Granted, I don't understand why in the world he would keep her number...
  8. D

    One of those questions.. lol.?

    Let me get this straight. You don't know if he likes you, but he talks about a relationship? Sounds like a sure sign bachelor #2 likes you to me. If I were you, I would leave bachelor #1, aka "scatterbrains" alone and pursue the other one. Or you can wait until the first one who ask you out.
  9. D

    is it okay for a 22 year old male to have a non sexual relationship with a 17

    It depends on the statutory laws where you live. In some states, a 17 year old is old enough to consent. If that is the case where you live, then you are OK to see this guy.
  10. D

    What is your biggest fear when you're first attracted to a member of the...

    It is always the fear of rejection. I could care less if I get laughed after she rejects me. If she isn't taking me seriously for being interested in her that way by laughing at me in the process, then why should I worry about it anymore? It is obvious that she isn't respectful of me or my...