Recent content by <DavAney>

  1. D

    I'm very concerned about my husband's penis?

    I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and although my husband and i haven't had sex much [due to my lack of intimacy] we still have it on a pretty regular basis. This morning he came to me and told me that his penis was red, irritated, and flaking. He said he looked it up online and it was just because I was...
  2. D

    Am I OVERSTEPPING my boundaries?

    You can ASK for his honesty but you can't demand it. It appears that you two have an open relationship at this point. So if it's open then you can't get mad and he doesn't need to lie. You want more, but you've got to understand that he has made himself clear that he doesn't. Maybe he lied so he...
  3. D

    Am I OVERSTEPPING my boundaries? are waaaaaay too young to be going through this. if you want a relationship you need to find someone else.he obviously doesnt want an exclusive relationship right now. he is not the only fish inthe sea, dont waste your time & efforts on something thats never going to happen.
  4. D

    To yahoo users, and yahoo . the reason i .direct?

    I have one for you...lolHow many men lets say out of 10...really...and I mean really love pleasuring girls the french way.....lolthe ones who love the smell, the taste, the way girls moan and shake and want feel free to ask this question for
  5. D

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids? When Black women start raising strong Black men like my Mother did instead of thugs. I wish you find that person you deserve it .
  6. D

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner?

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner? According to many gender feminist sources yes she can feel she was raped. That is why they can get such a high number of women who are raped and do not report it. Most of these women...
  7. D

    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

    If he is still sleeping with another woman, you need to ignore him completely.
  8. D

    Christians: How would you describe a fellow christian who brutally murdered his wife and four kids?

    Christians: How would you describe a fellow christian who brutally murdered his wife and four kids? Ourside appearance has little to do with Christianity. It seems to me that he was terribly troubled. I can not say if he had accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and his Savior, or not. That must...
  9. D

    First steps to increase chances of getting pregnant.?

    We have a 14 months old and have been ttc again for 6 months. What are some early steps we can take to get pregnant? Obviously, I already know when I ovulate and have sex then but so far not luck.
  10. D

    My husband said I am like the old tootsie roll commercials regarding sex?

    how does a tootsie roll compare to sex??
  11. D

    Friends with benefits: can it really work?

    well i just got out of a situation like that with my friend. we did it for 5 months but that was too long. its really good to be friends with befits for a while just to see if the two of you really work out together then you start dating him for serious, but if it goes on for too long like it...
  12. D

    Eternally single? advice would be great..?

    The school year is almost up and any connection you'll make from here till college will not end well. It is my suggestion to you that you restraint from having a relationship till you reach your desired college. I can promise you that if you are a nice person and are clean, you will find the...
  13. D

    If you catch your son?

    Tell him it is the stupidest show in the world and he is too old to watch it.... he will quit.
  14. D

    Why do men on craigslist solicit sex from other men, but claim they are "str8" in their ads?

    Why do men on craigslist solicit sex from other men, but claim they are "str8" in their ads? because most of the str8 guys are just receiving oral sex, or being the top which someone in their mind calculates to since they arent giving head or getting f*cked they think that makes them str8
  15. D

    Anime to watch!?

    If you watch Paranoia agent in the holidays it'll seriously f^kc you up. So refrain from it till the mundane life starts again(its pretty good, follow up with the anime movie Perfect Blue by the same director once you watch it)If you haven't already watch Bleach! Its brilliant stuff, especially...