Recent content by DanyMercury

  1. D

    Oh... joy!! Paris Hilton gets 45 days inside

    ''From now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything''
  2. D

    What/where Is The Paintball Game

    HAI, you go QFT!
  3. D

    Why do girls go crazy over these 2 ?

    becasue girls are like sheeps, they tend to follow others people opinions instead of thinking about their own opinions, if one girls said she likes him, all the girls say they like him
  4. D

    Word Disassociation

  5. D

    UK Police - procedures for search of a female

    I see your point, but surely this isnt a situation that we would actively aspire to though? Surely it would have been better if your mother HADNT been put in those positions? Just because people survive suicide bombings, gang rape and paedophilia, and accept them as part of the norm in the...
  6. D

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    All i'll say is no gym/ma workouts will ever prepare you for the life of gardening, if you were ever to consider it. I was recently humbled by a day of digging; laying; mowing; shifting rubble and slabs; and weeding.
  7. D

    Abortion is Wrong

    Lots of others were crucified and mocked, but no-one wrote about them.
  8. D

    Trees are cool, man.

    O ya wull ur face is smelly
  9. D


    Your best bet would probably be looking at working breeds that are still heavily worked. A work line Kelpie for example is bred specifically for working traits, looks being irrelevent. If it has problems that prevent it from doing its job a farmer is not going to breed it.
  10. D

    Ok so who wants to marry me then?

    Wow, this could be the first recorded marriage between a woman and a website! On behalf of I would like to say... we do. Actually, I guess it would have to be Saz who formally accepts your proposal.
  11. D

    It makes no sense!

    I thought for a second the title of this thread was "It makes no sensei", so you've got a MA related pun, if it counts.
  12. D

    Ppl comment about your looks/body

    Chyea brah I get that a lot, like "OMG you so swole".
  13. D

    MP3's On DVD?

    Yeah, I know I can put mp3's on a DVD. I know that. I can make a data DVD. One thing you have to know is that I have a CD/DVD player so that means I actually know I can play mp3's. The fact is, I can. Not more than 150 though...The DVD may contain 800 mp3's but still, all my DVD players will...
  14. D

    Torrent Harvester Update?

    How do I make an update for Torrent Harvester ? It doesn't work and the address I found on the internet, the "official website", doesn't work either... What should I do ? Also, I have added 2 torrent websites but I can't make them work. I've got to log in on these websites. That's done...
  15. D

    Can We Convert An eMule File To A Torrent File ?

    I'd like to know if it's possible to take a .part file or whatever a eMule file is called, and convert it so I can download it with a torrent program ? Is that possible ? I find eMule incredibly slow sometimes and that's why I'm asking the question, to try another way. I hope you understood...