Recent content by DanielF

  1. D

    Dinner in the Sky

  2. D

    what part of st actually plays paintball

    that comeback= fail
  3. D

    Happy ANZAC day

    actually on my firefox it doesn't offer Jesus as an option for jesus. And I'm just messing with the thread starter cause he's a fuck.
  4. D

    What would you do, if pbnation.....

    Go outside.
  5. D

    So what have you named your schlong?

    billy hustle the wonder muscle
  6. D

    is nokia email free on x6?

    hi i have a nokia x6 and theres an email thing on it, i am on contract but is the email free or do you have to pay extra for it? Thanks
  7. D

    is nokia email free on x6?

    hi i have a nokia x6 and theres an email thing on it, i am on contract but is the email free or do you have to pay extra for it? Thanks
  8. D

    is nokia email free on x6?

    hi i have a nokia x6 and theres an email thing on it, i am on contract but is the email free or do you have to pay extra for it? Thanks
  9. D

    is nokia email free on x6?

    hi i have a nokia x6 and theres an email thing on it, i am on contract but is the email free or do you have to pay extra for it? Thanks
  10. D

    if i worked minimum wage would i be able to buy a nissan cube?

    i need a car and i'm wondering if a minimum wage job would be enough to buy a nissan cube. i don't have any expenses besides that because i'm 16 and i live with my parents. please help?
  11. D

    if i worked minimum wage would i be able to buy a nissan cube?

    i need a car and i'm wondering if a minimum wage job would be enough to buy a nissan cube. i don't have any expenses besides that because i'm 16 and i live with my parents. please help?
  12. D

    if i worked minimum wage would i be able to buy a nissan cube?

    i need a car and i'm wondering if a minimum wage job would be enough to buy a nissan cube. i don't have any expenses besides that because i'm 16 and i live with my parents. please help?
  13. D

    Your favourite TSRer

    I am truly honoured.
  14. D

    Conservatives. When will you stop complaining and start investing?

    I agree with you, to a degree. This is why I blame the medical professionals for the outcome of this vote tonight. Where were they during this debate? Oh sure, the AMA came out to back Obama, but the Medical pros who were against this particular bill were never engaged, never really represented...
  15. D

    Cybernation V5.0

    I know there's a thread in the CN forums about selling and buying donations, but I can't find it. Can anyone help me out? Also, I reached 6k NS the other day. :tup: