Recent content by dAmIAnOO

  1. D

    what are cruises like ?? are they expensive?? and are there any Mediterranean... i kinda have this on my head i have never ever been on a cruise so i have no idea what it is like but i would love to go one day somewhere im originally from Europe i have been born and raised in Poland but now i live in USA- NYC i would love to visit Greece as its one of the...
  2. D

    what are cruises like ?? are they expensive?? and are there any Mediterranean... i kinda have this on my head i have never ever been on a cruise so i have no idea what it is like but i would love to go one day somewhere im originally from Europe i have been born and raised in Poland but now i live in USA- NYC i would love to visit Greece as its one of the...
  3. D

    what are cruises like ?? are they expensive?? and are there any Mediterranean... i kinda have this on my head i have never ever been on a cruise so i have no idea what it is like but i would love to go one day somewhere im originally from Europe i have been born and raised in Poland but now i live in USA- NYC i would love to visit Greece as its one of the...
  4. D

    do you think that gay is the new black ???? and do you think that people...

    ...will finaly stop pulling the bible to? i was watching the Tyra show today and the title for the episode was "is gay the new black" and im wondering is its right not trying to offend anyone here but black people didn't had any rights now it seems like gays wont have any right either i just...
  5. D

    Best riddle ever hee hee!?

    i found 5
  6. D

    When looking for a cat what are some things that i should pay attention to ?

    i would love to get a cat but i tihnk that im allergic to them it seems that every time im around cats i get red patches on my skin ,my eyes are teary and irritating i start to sneeze etc... im going to get an allergy test cause i wanna go to college for veterinary technology i love the way the...
  7. D

    will a collie or other herding breed be a good choice for my lifestyle ?

    ok so my dad wants to get another dog we already have a 5 year old clumber spaniel and 2 year old irish setter we live in a condo right now but we are moving out by the end of may they bought a house 2 hours away from our neighborhood so as i said my dad want another dog hes thinking about...
  8. D

    Am i going crazy ??? is it just my imagination ?? or is there something wrong?

    there is something going on with my head every night i cant sleep cause i have that weird feeling that there is someone standing next to my bed and watching me like a black cloud or something and sometimes in the dark when i go the bathroom i have that weird feeling like someone if grabbing me...
  9. D

    there is somethign strange going on getting kinda worried 'bout this .?

    i posted a question few minutes ago but didnt get any answer :;_ylt=Ao.wF4OFJIptomsZTV3zkrHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090321200555AAISOuE im turning 18 on april 23rd i havent been to a doc( primary care doctor, cause ive been to an orthopedic surgeon few times...
  10. D

    which states/cities are the most gay accepting/friendly ?

    im just curious which states and cities are very gay friendly i know that this might sound strange i live in NYC where gays are accepted especially manhattan SoHo , Chelsea , greenwhich village but there are neighborhoods like spanish harlem where its hard to grow up as a straight person but...
  11. D

    when going on a meeting with the tattoo artist what are some thing i should... him or her about?? im turning 18 next month( april 23rd) and i wanna get my 1st tattoo nothing big ,tribal sun about the same size as a CD on my left arm/shoulder( in black) it was hard for me to decide hat i want as i had 3 different design to chose from all of of them symbolize...
  12. D

    why some celebs are called "gay icons" ?

    i always wondered why are some celebs called gay icons like cher,janet jackson,madonna,ellen degenerous,kylie minouge,rosie o'donnell etc..... ive read that some transgender people( drag queens ) impersonate some of them mostly cher well i know that ellen is gay the same with rossie
  13. D

    i have a question for guys and girls in this section its about sexuality?

    have you ever tried like to make out with your friend that was the same sex??? iim having a bit of identity crisis im turning 18 this april i never had a girlfriend i just think that its sometihng that wasnt not necessery i listend a lot to my friend going thur the drama of breaking up and thne...