Recent content by Dallas

  1. D

    Rowing machine newbie!!! What to do about blisters?

    Hi there, I like using rowing machines ( and rowing but I live nowhere near a river so I rarely go on water). I use them a couple times a week for about 40-60 mins going slow ( I think!! I haven't got anyone to compare to..) but I now have blisters and i don't think I should care, apart from I...
  2. D

    more pb or jelly?

    jelly if you had the know why i choose jelly.
  3. D

    Medical Question.. having random pains?

    I'm 18 years old and for the past few months have had random pains right below my left bottom rib.. it's weird! it hurts like hell. it'll just randomly come on to if i'm in the grocery store i have to stop and collect myself and wait for the pain to go away.. it's happened maybe 5 times in the...
  4. D

    lulz on craigslist

    No homo.
  5. D

    i have an awesome riddle, first to answer gets ten points!!!?

    The first person that tells me how they can speak for an entire minute without using the letter a gets ten points! Rules: has to be simple, cannot make up a story, no talking slowly, has to be at least one hundred words. The answer is simpler than you think, have fun!!! :-D Congrats Justin you...
  6. D

    No PDA's???? PLEASE HELP!?

    Dude um it's 2013 people don't use pda's anymore. lol
  7. D

    Help! Can't Turn on IPhone After Updating to IOS 6.0.1. with Jailbreak?

    I updated to the new 6.0.1 update recently, and when it finished, the device turned off and now it just keeps showing the Apple logo for a few seconds, and going off every few seconds. When I hold the power button and the home button at the same time for 10 seconds, it turns off, but when I plug...
  8. D

    My Iphone is connected to my WiFi but Telus sent me a text saying ive...

    ...used 95% of my Canadian data? Help!? If i'm using my WiFi internet should be free for my mobile device, shouldn't it? But on the other hand Telus always trys to screw me over and give me huge phone bills. Can anyone tell me why my phone is using data?
  9. D

    Any good strategy games for Iphone? HELP!?

    I'm looking for a game that will let your build a city or kingdom, train troops, join alliances with and attack your friends! My buddies and I all want to download a game and compete with each other. Any game suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  10. D

    Do blackberry phone apps same as android?

  11. D

    Why am I in so much pain?

    I worked out yesterday for the first time in a really long time and today I feel like my muscles have been ripped from my bones. I know about the whole lactic acid thing and the whole micro tear thing and I've been sore from workouts before but nothing to this extreme degree... Im just curious...
  12. D

    Help! I have a hernia lol ?

    I have a hernia in my abdominal/groin areas.(right beside my hip) I am a football player and I lift weights. Is it safe to do curls or anything with this. I'll have surgery soon to get it fixed but I don't want to spend weeks without working out. Thanks!
  13. D

    P90 Fitness and Nutrition Question?

    Im 5'11 192 lbs and im doing P90x, im only on day 4 so far. Ive got 3 questions. 1. I dont have a pull up bar, is there an alternative to pull ups? 2. If you dont do the yoga, will you still get good results? Im wanting to slim down some and put on a good bit of muscle. 3. Here is my diet plan...
  14. D

    Why do religion-hating athiests like to debate about religion so much?

    Unknown to many members of the church, however, Ratzinger’s past includes brief membership of the Hitler Youth movement and wartime service with a German army anti- aircraft unit. hitler was a catholic...
  15. D

    Which is the most Popular Sci-Fi Movie or Series Ever?

    Star gate all of them.