Recent content by Cutes

  1. C

    Bitcoin Donations? Question about something I read?

    Bitcoin Donations? :)))) Everyone online says a lot of people donate bitcoins, like one student got over $200k after he posted his address as a QR code on a sign at a football game, and I guess Bitcoin owners are a lot nicer than regular people lol, I think its the fact that the online...
  2. C

    Bitcoin Questions!! How, When, Where, etc? Your EXP plz?

    Hey everyone:) I am trying to buy Bitcoins, have been into them for a while now (following it daily, learning everything I can regarding it, looking at what I could use them for), and I have been considering going ahead and getting some; be it from purchasing, selling something for them, or idk...
  3. C

    is it better to buy boots with heels in a SMALLER size or LARGER size?

    i am about to buy boots with a 3 inch heel, but i am not sure about my size. is it better for it to be slightly too small or too big? normally i would go with the larger size, but since this has heel,s i dont want to accidentallly twist my ankle. thank you!