Recent content by CuriousJorge

  1. C

    Do you find it easier to be open with people on the internet, as opposed to real

    life? "I'm gay". When you're on the internet, it's such an easy thing to say. You're completely anonymous, you don't have to worry about being judged by people you see every day... ...Do you guys feel the same way? What are your thoughts on the matter?
  2. C

    Is it wrong of me to not care about my future?

    I'm in my Junior year of high school, allegedly the hardest year I'll ever have before college. The thing is, though...I don't care? When my friends are all stressing about GPA's and AP's, I nonchalantly tell them that I don't really care what college I go to, if I even go to college. It's...
  3. C

    How can a closet-case such as myself meet other gay guys in high school?

    And please don't tell me to join the GSA... In my school, a guy who joins the GSA might as well be walking around with a sign around his neck that says "Gay". I'll come out before graduation, sure, but I'm not quite ready yet =\
  4. C

    What is the haitian translation for "never go where no one can hear you scream"?

    What is the haitian translation for "never go where no one can hear you scream"? It's for a line of dialogue I am writing for a novel. BTW - F Off MALL RAT, it's freakin question. If you don't know the answer...SHUT UP!
  5. C

    what is the song in the latest telus ad june/july 2008?

    Does anyone know what the name of the song in the latest Telus ad is? It's been playing on TV these last couple of weeks. The song is a pop/dance track with a very simple yet catchy little melody. There is some singing in it but I can't remember any of the lyrics at the moment. The singer is...
  6. C

    Trouble sending text message from Rogers to Vodaphone?

    One of my colleagues at work is trying to send a text Message from her Rogers cell phone in Canada to someone on Vodafone in Italy. She keeps getting a message stating that the message was not delivered. Has anyone had any luck texting Italy from Canada? Thanks,