Recent content by cosmic_quest

  1. C

    my child complains that he has no freinds at school?

    Perhaps it's time you gave him a bit of help. Organise a play date with another child in his class, perhaps whose parents you know quite well (or maybe a child he was at nursery with). This will give him a chance to bond with another child on a one-to-one basis. You could also send your son to...
  2. C


    Quite simply, British (particularly those in Southern England) have been utterly useless and incompetent in preparing for a weather occurrence that had been predicted since last week. I'm stunned by the number of naive people who blindly swallow the councils' and the government's spiel that...
  3. C

    Jim Rogers suggests that young people in the UK should exchange their

    Who is Jim Rogers and why does he think he can give people such advice? Yes, we do have people emigrating to other countries but the UK is hardly a place that you escape from. It's not perfect but it is one of the better countries on the planet. People want to come here, not the other way around!
  4. C

    does it offend you when people begging for 50 billion dollars are flying...

    It is disgusting that these greedy folk are still living in the lap of luxury while ordinary, hardworking people are struggling to keep roofs over their heads. It reminds me of these fat cat bank bosses who were happy to accept billions in taxpayers' money to save their banks (and their jobs)...